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Alfred woke up to the sound of his alarm clock. Yes, he actually owned an alarm clock. shocking, I know. There was a reason for his sudden usage of it, though.

This was it. This was the day he'd finally ask Arthur out. This time, he was going to the doctor's because he 'felt ill and he wanted to make sure it wasn't a virus.' He decided he really didn't want to injure himself again. He got out of bed, feeling confident.

"This is totally gonna work right? I mean, how could he say no?" Alfred thought. "Well, unless he doesn't like guys....but I've gotta try!"

He put on a decent looking outfit (not too formal though. He was just going to the see doctor, after all), and hopped into the car. He turned on the radio, and sang along to the annoying pop song the entire ride there.

Once found a space in the parking lot and parked his car, he casually walked into the waiting room. For some reason, fifteen minutes seemed like forever.

Soon enough, Arthur called out his name, "Alfred Jones...?"

Alfred jumped up from his seat and made his way to Arthur's office. Taking a seat, he noticed his palms had begun to sweat, and his heart was beating so fast, he could swear it was about to burst out of his chest.  

"So...what is it this time?" the Brit asked.

"Oh, well, I don't really feel well and I-"

"Ok. Enough of this," Arthur interrupted. He looked Alfred straight in the eyes. "Why are you really here? This can't be just coincidence!"

Alfred fidgeted on the examination table, his eyes refusing to meet Arthur's, "I...uh..." His cheeks began to heat up, and Arthur definitely noticed.

"....I see," the doctor sighed. "Though I don't understand why couldn't have just asked me out to begin with."

"Wait...what!?" Alfred's eyes shot up. "How did you-"

"Oh come on! It was obvious! I mean, it was kind of unnecessary to keep injuring yourself just to see me, but I gotta admit, it was pretty sweet of you," Arthur laughed.

Wow. Arthur had figured him out. Yet, he didn't seem disgusted, so maybe he-

"Well, are you going to ask me out or not?" the Briton sighed.

"....What?" Alfred asked. Did Arthur just say he wanted to be asked out?

"Are you or aren't you? I don't have all day," Arthur laughed.

"Uh...." Alfred was speechless.

Arthur shook his head, "Fine. Since you're too embarrassed to say anything," he went to his desk and picked up a blank sheet of paper. He began to write something on it. "Here." He handed it to Alfred.

"...What's this?" the American asked, looking down at the paper.

"My number. Feel free to give me a call and we can schedule something," Arthur answered, smiling.

Alfred exclaimed, "S-sure! Of course!"

Arthur smirked, "See you soon, Alfred." He walked out of his office, and Alfred left right after.

Alfred got into his car. Sitting in the driver's seat, he looked at Arthur's number. He wondered if he'd answer if he called him right now. Well, might as well try!

He punched in the numbers Arthur had written down, and waited for a familiar voice to pick up.

"Hello?" Arthur's voice said through the phone.

"H-hey! How about...dinner at my place tonight?" Alfred asked.

"That sounds lovely,"  the Brit answered.

Alfred sighed in relief. He actually got a date with Arthur Kirkland, and it would be the first of many.

Apples would definitely not keep the doctor away anymore.

A/N: psst! There...might be a sequal...might! >u>

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