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Finally I am writing this chapter enjoy!


"Jiminie, I'm going to the store ok? Be a good boy while I'm out." "Ok daddy!" Jimin said while sucking on his pacifier. "Ok bye love you Jiminie!"

*Time skip*

When Yoongi got back he couldn't believe his eyes. He kept calling for Jimin but he didn't answer. Then he looked at the couch and saw a sleeping little Jimin. "Jiminie wake up!" After a while of trying to wake him up he finally woke up. "Daddy!" Jimin said hugging him. "Hi Jiminie can you tell me what's that mess in the kitchen?" Yoongi said. "Daddy I'm sorry I didn't mean to do it!" A teary eyed Jimin said. "It's ok but you are still getting your punishment. Go to the corner and think about what you did."

*End of flashback*

little jimin (yoonmin)Where stories live. Discover now