Chapter one

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A/N~ So, I need a title for this. I have no idea what to call it. You guys can give me suggestions. It features The Yogscast, a group on YouTube. By the way, THERE WILL BE GORE. P.S: I rewrote this and tweaked it a little.

Lewis sat down at his computer, uploading his latest video. He flopped back in his chair, tired. Then, he looked at the news websites.


Lewis did a double take. "What the f*ck?" he murmured. He took out his phone, and texted Hannah, his girlfriend. Did you see the news reports? His office was quite near hers, but he just used his phone.

She replied. Yeah. Getting scarier by the minute. Almost a quarter of the country's infected.

He started to worry. I should contact my family, he thought. He called his parent's house, but got no answer. He looked out his window, and saw the chaos below in the streets. The zombies were everywhere, cars running into them, people running, tripping, being bitten-- Lewis looked away, getting more and more nauseous. He opened his door and yelled down the hall way. "Everyone, we need to get out!"

Simon and Hannah opened their doors. Hannah had a baseball bat and Simon had a huge supply of Jaffa cakes. They knew, and they were going to get out of Yogtowers.

The rest of the team (Duncan, Kim, Martyn, Paul, Anya, Tom, Alex, and the Hatfilms trio) joined them in about 15 minutes. They looked for the other staff, but couldn't find any. They piled into three of the Yogscaster's cars: Kim's, Hannah's and Duncan's. They were the closest in the parking lot. They drove through the chaotic streets, not knowing where to go. "We should call Liam and Zoey," said Simon. "They might be in trouble."

Lewis nodded. It was him, Simon, Hannah, Paul and Anya in Hannah's car, Martyn, Kim, Tom and Alex in Kim's, and Duncan and Hatfilms in Duncan's. "I'll see if Joakim and all right, too," said Lewis, calling Zoey's cell. "Lewis!" said the voice on the other end. "Have you seen the news?"

"Yes. It's like a video game, isn't it? The Last of Us or The Walking Dead. It's f*cking creepy, Zoey."

"Yeah. I'm all right, Fiona is too. We're hiding at her parent's house."

Simon was calling Chris, but got no answer. "Hello, it's Chris. Leave me a message." He then tried Liam's cell, and got this voicemail:

"Hello. You've reached Liam J. McKay. Now, I'm all right. In light of recent news, you're probably calling to see if I'm okay. Well, I probably am. So I'll try to call you back soon."

Neither of them knew Joakim's phone number, so they assumed he was all right for now.

"Zoey is fine. Liam is too. But I don't know about Joakim or Chris."

Lewis nodded. "All right. We can find Zoey, then."

They agreed to meet Zoey and Fiona at the airport. But they didn't see how they could get there, especially since it was growing dark. They tried anyway, driving fast through the zombies. It was late at night when they got there, finally, and they saw Zoey and Fiona across the parking lot. They decided to use Fiona's car, too, and Simon would ride with them. They also had extra food and supplies.

They drove for hours, and as night was falling. Lewis tried calling Liam again, but he still got the voicemail. He looked at the stars, thinking about what was happening in the world.

He took the wheel for a while, because Hannah was tired. Driving was easier on the smaller country roads, because there were less zombies. They stopped at a tiny petrol station to get fuel and eat, then continued, occasionally calling one another to make sure they were okay.

This continued for a while. On about the third day, they came upon a small town. Lewis got out of the car and looked around. "It looks like it's deserted, but..." he trailed off. "Bring your weapons just in case."

They walked up to a nearby fast-food place, and Lewis opened the door.

He was about to speak, when he collapsed, a bullet through his stomach. "Drop your weapons," said a loud voice. Hannah screamed, and rushed over to Lewis. "Hannah... I love you." he said, weakly.

"Come on, Lewis. You'll be fine. We have medical supplies," Hannah said desperately. His head lay in her lap, and a dark red stain was forming on the concrete.

"Goodbye... Hannah... tell Simon..." his eyes glossed over, and he lay horribly still. Hannah heard a pistol clicking, and turned around with her hands up, tears streaming down her face. She turned to face the man who had shot Lewis, and saw there were five men behind him. Rage and hatred filled her, overpowering her grief. "He didn't do anything. ANYTHING! Why did you kill him?" she yelled.

"Because he was trespassing. So are you, girly. And your little friends."

He aimed the gun at her head, and was about to shoot when he fell forwards, an arrow stuck in the back of his neck. The other men were confused, long enough for Hannah to take the leader's gun. "Here's some advice," she said. "Drop your guns and get the hell out!"

The men scattered, leaving their weapons behind. As the Yogscasters helped themselves to the guns, Hannah turned to where the arrow had come from. "You can come out of there," she called. "The bandits are gone."

Two teenagers walked out from the side of the drive through, a boy and a girl. The boy was short, with longish brown hair and bright eyes. The taller girl had flaming red hair tucked back in a braid and was covered in freckles. A younger girl was behind them. She had black hair and small, wire-rimmed glasses. She was holding a bow and a quiver of arrows.

"Nice shot, Anna," said the boy. He walked over to Hannah, who was still weeping. "He's gone. I'm-- oh my God that's Lewis Brindley."

The red-haired girl scoffed. "You must be joking, Carson. They don't live anywhere near here."

Carson shook his head. "No, Beth, it's him. And she's Hannah." He turned to Hannah. "I'm so sorry."

She nodded, and shook his hand. "Hannah Rutherford, though you knew that, of course. Thank you for saving us."

"I'm Carson Baker, this is Beth Turner and Anna Yin. And I didn't save you, that was Anna, our little archer." The smaller girl bowed her head, acknowledging Hannah.

"You're Yognau(gh)ts then, I'm guessing?"

"Yes. Well, me and Beth are. Anna's a little young to be watching your videos. She's only twelve."

"Ah. How old are you and Carson?"

"We're 15. We're the only people left from this town."

"Well, do you need a place to stay?" Hannah asked.

They nodded. "Bandits burned down most of the houses in this town. This was their headquarters," said Beth. "We've no homes."

"Well, you can come with us. Carson can come with me and Beth and Anna can go with Zoey."

They each got into their respective cars. Beth told Anna about all the members of the Yogscast. Simon laughed. "So, how are you all related?"

"We're friends who formed a group after the world kind of... died. We had more members, like Martin and Adriana, but..." Anna trailed off. Simon didn't have to guess what happened to Martin and Adriana.

They drove some more, on through the night. Anna ended up using Simon as a pillow, and he smiled at the sleepy girl. He looked out his window and thought about Lewis. Where are you now, friend? He wondered. Zoey was driving now, and Fiona had fallen asleep. He heard the motor running peacefully and fell asleep as well.

The next day they drove until they came upon another town. This one seemed to be deserted. They opened the door to one of the houses, and found no one there. Not even zombies. What they did find was lots of food. They decided to stay there, until they heard a moan, coming from the back of the house.

A/N~ CLIFFHANGER! Sorry about that. Anyway, how did you like it? Give me feedback and suggestions!

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