Chapter two

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"Sh*t," muttered Carson. Anna had her bow ready, and Duncan was brandishing his machete. They slowly opened the door to the back room.

There wasn't a zombie at all. Instead, there was someone, a human, moaning in pain. He looked glassy-eyed, his long black hair was matted, and his glasses had clearly been broken and taped back together, but there was no mistaking him.

"Liam?" asked Kim, incredulously. He nodded, doubled over. His right hand was pressed over his left arm, which had a dark red stain around it. "Come on. We can bandage you up."

They got the medical supplies from the cars. Liam pulled up the sleeve of his shirt and Hannah wrapped bandages around his arm. He looked filthy in comparison to the bandages. "What happened to you?" she asked.

"Bandits. They left the town a while ago. They shot at me a couple times, then left me, not bothering to see if I was dead or not."

Simon nodded. "We've had our own experience with bandits," he said sadly. The rest of the Yogscast were silent, remembering Lewis.

Liam seemed to notice this. "Oh... that's why Lewis isn't here. Who are these three?" he asked, guesturing to Carson, Beth and Anna.

"We met them in the last town. They saved our a*ses," replied Duncan.

Liam nodded. "Nice to meet you," said Carson. "I mean, I've watched your videos, but I've never actually met you." Anna smiled shyly at Liam, and Beth shook his hand.

"Well, thanks for finding me. I wasn't going to last much longer without supplies."

"No problem," said Hannah. "Another of the group is with us." she noticed a small black cat next to Liam. "Liam... you didn't bring your f*cking cat with you, did you?"

He smiled and shook his head. "No. Her name's India," he said, pointing to the tag on her collar. "I found her here. She reminds me of Lyndon, so I look after her."

Beth reached out to pet the little black cat. "I used to have a cat... his name was Spots. We think he got stolen."

Liam shook his head. "I'm sorry to hear that. It's nice to meet a fellow cat lover, though."

They all sat down in the kitchen, Simon getting them food. Liam told them about his journey, and they told him about theirs. When he had heard the news, he had gotten in his car and started driving. Liam had been stopped by bandits numerous times, but this was the first time he had actually been hurt. Liam had also been with a group for a little bit, but they had gotten separated. When they told him about Lewis, he closed eyes and murmured, "He's in a better place now."

They each pet India, and Beth took a liking to her instantly. She and Liam talked about cats for a while. Duncan and Carson were talking about different video games. Anna hit it off with Kim, because they were both avid gardeners. Beth never knew that about Anna. She scratched the fur under India's neck, humming to her iPod even though she knew she was a terrible singer. A/N~ Sorry Nora! "Hey, I know that tune!" said Tom cheerfully. Beth nodded. "I love MoonQuest. It's one of my favorite Yogscast songs."

They sang to the different songs on Beth's iPod, Yogscast music or not, until it died. And for the first time in almost a week, they were happy.

As they each went to bed, Hannah thought about Lewis and sighed. She thought about him every night. "Tell Simon what?" she mused.

"What?" said Kim sleepily. Hannah was sharing a room with her, because they wouldn't all have a place to sleep if they each had their own rooms.

"Did I say that out loud?"

"Um, yeah, you did."

"Well, Lewis's last words were 'Tell Simon...' and then he died. So what am I supposed to tell Simon?"

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