scorpius malfoy confesses

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"w-what is it scorp?" rose looks up, and puts her glass of water down on the table. 
"i-i need to talk to you in private." scorpius said. 


"i-i'm gay." scorpius said. 
"yeah, i know." rose smirked. scorpius raised his eyebrows. 
"h-how, you know?" 
"it's obvious. you like albus. and he likes you back." 

"people know?" 
"only me and lil. because we hang out with you two all the time." rose said.

"i hate albus so much, rose. he can't accept that he's gay and then he snogs me. and then punches me in the face." scorpius explained, "but i love him so much."

rose flings her arms around scorpius. scorpius doesn't know what to do anymore. 
"can i still go to the winter ball with you? as friends?" scorpius asks. rose nods. 

albus potter is straight - a scorbus storyWhere stories live. Discover now