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Dear Diary!
I don't know why I'm writing but well I think i want something to waste my time on and i always wanted to have a diary so, here I'm.

Today was my first day at college, ugh...
Why I'm upset?! Well, college is about having party all the times, enjoying your times, having your freedom, and all that blah blah blah. But let me correct this vision, for a girl like me who are not social and practically don't like people and also doesn't have friends; yeah it's hell.

So today I woke up, got my routine, and went to the hell center. Of course as a new comer I was lost and couldn't get to my lecture room. While i was looking at my map on the phone, i crashed into somebody.

" oh I ..i'm really sorry" i rushed to apologize.
"Hey, its harm" The girl said "so I guess you are a new comer and LOST" she continued and I nodded embarrassed.
"It's what is your room number?" She asked
"Oh it's my same room. Come with me. Oh by the way I'm Ammy".
"Ok lets go" and we went to the room and sat in the back, while i searched for a place to sit in far from people, and while every one sat at the back of the class, i sat in the front seats seeing another girl sitting with her headphones.

We waited for the professor to come.
While waiting a guy came, searched for Ammy and went straight for her and four other guys came and went beside each others. I didn't pay attention as i have massive hate for guys cuz they are bunch of idiots who like to break a girl's heart so I avoid them with all means.

The English professor finally came and i will save you from the boring English literature and pass it.

The day went till I reached my lunch break and went to the food cort, and gosh as all the college just came to this part, i searched for empty space till i found the girl who was putting head phone sat by herself eating fries so i went to her hoping i could sit on the same table as her.

"Hey" i approached her and she got her headphones off
"Sorry for bothering you but as you see it's crowded in here so can i sit with you
"Yeah sure go ahead" she said smiling and I smiles back thanking her
"Im crystal by the way"
"Oh I'm heavenly... so what faculty??"
"Medicine...but we are at the same english class"

Then the day went by and finally I'm home. I took Heavenly number maybe we have lunch breaks with each others as we both hate interactions.

Bye diary for now and i will come with updates soon.

Sooo here is the first one!
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