Chapter 34

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Matt's POV

I knew where I was taking Ce it was her dream place. She's gonna love it, she'll be so happy. I pulled in and smiled at her.

"We're here!" I say smiling at her. She looks up and smiles widely. She starts to laugh. Her cute laugh that I'm totally in love with, along with her personality, her smile, her eyes, and her everything.

"Matt this is so cute! We had our first date at chick-fil-a!" She smiles. We then walk in and we order. We sit down and I just smile at her.

"Why are you smiling at me?" She asks. Looking confused while opening up her straw.

"Because you make me smile." I answer. I know this sounded cheesy, and it wasn't a very good answer. But I don't care it's true. Ce grins a little.

"C'mon you could give a better answer then that." She says tilting her head to the side.

"Well how much time do you have?" I ask her. My explanation may take a little long.

"Your right, not too much." She agrees nodding a little. Even less then that is what it seems like. I wish we would see each other more. We talk and talk until it gets super late. We go back to the hotel. Once were in bed I wrap my arms around her tightly.

"Love you." I say kissing the top of her head. She gives the tiniest grin.

"I love you too." She says. Then we both fall asleep. We had to get up early cause I had to go back and Ce was going to do another convention. We had left her car at the one place, so I had to take her back over to get it. Once we got there I hugged her, and we just hugged. We didn't say anything else we didn't need to. Silence has never been so loud. Then we both just kind of left.

Celia's POV

I got in my rental car and just drove, I kept driving till I got to the convention hotel. It was only like an hour away, I probaly just made it sound like it was three days away. No only an hour. Thank God Ellie and Morgan were gonna be there, I would probaly only think of Matt the whole time. Even though I probaly will. I mean come on you would too if you were dating Matthew Lee Espinosa.

I just couldn't shake Matt out of my mind. I could just think about him for the longest time. I just wanted to hug him forever. Because forever never ends.

Once I got to the hotel I went up to the room Ellie, Morghan, and I were sharing. I dropped my stuff quickly said hi to them, then fell onto the bed into a deep sleep.

The next morning I woke up with my phone ringing. I looked over to see it was Matt. Why would Matt be calling me so early. I grab my phone and answer.

"Hello?" I say tiredly through the phone. What did this boy want so early. Wait I shouldn't have said that, Matt could've got hit by a bus!

"Matt Espinosa was just hit by a bus."

No, no I'm just kidding that would be awful.

"Hey sleepyhead." Is what he really said. And it was completely true.

"What do you want mr Espinosa?" I asked him.

"Just wanted to say good morning." Only Matt, only him.

"Well good morning to you too, but can I go back to sleep now?" I asked I was really tired. Have I said that, oh yeah like a hundred and one times, well looks like it's gonna be a hundred two.

"As long as I can too." He said. Snapping me out of counting how many times of said I'm tired.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I'm thinking of you too much so I can't fall asleep." He said. Was he always this sweet in the morning? I guess I wouldn't know cause I don't wake up early enough.

"Aw Matt your so sweet." I say.

"I know, now go back to sleep I'll talk to you later." He says. Then he hung up.

Now I'm the one who couldn't fall asleep.

Authors note:

I'm tired too. Vote/favorite this story please! Thank you!! Love you😘😘😘

Write ya later✏

-Matt Espinosa's wifey 👑❤

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