first question

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Oof it's been awhile since ive been here. Oh god these idiots are here too.

Hey, I'm offend- AHAHAH!! I can't I can't keep a straight face! Anyways hi, I'm here too and I'm like 21 or 22 now I can't remember. So some interresting things happened over the years. All will be explained in the end.

Jeff: I hope you burn.

Hehe. I will I cut off your toes and fingers and feed them to the nether hounds and put the rest of you through a meet grinder.

Jeff: fuck you.

Fuck you too.

I am horrified. You too must have had some issues.

Both: Yes.


Wow you too need therapy.

Shut up notch

Slender: Herobrine I didn't expect to see you here. I thought you would be to busy with your kingdom.

Hello Slender man, it's a pleasure to see you again.

Anyways the first question is for Jeff.

"Are you and herobrine sleeping together? I know it's a weird question, but I'm just very curious." Now for the readers health and life safety I'm not gonna say who said it.

Smart thing to do. Jeff would have killed them cause he's a whiney bitch.

Jeff: oh fuck you. Anyways no, we don't sleep together anymore. He decided that he had no regard for others and cared more about his stupid fucking kingdom rather than other people.

That's not entirly true and you know that Jeff. I left because my kingdom was being attacked everyday and thousands of my subjects were being slaughtered. I left to be the king they needed me to be. You broke up with me because you couldn't handle the fact that I slightly bigger issues than going on killing sprees with you every month and contrary to popular belief I don't actually like killing people. I only kill when I am being attacked.

Jeff: who even are you?? What happened to the psychopathic kid I knew? What happened to the herobrine that would stab somebody in the neck every time they even so much had mentioned his family? What happened to the guy that hated people so much he would burn down entire cities just to listen to their screams!?

He grew up. Clearly you haven't.

Ehem.. Anyways. So for a brief history on what happened over the years. Um clearly jeff and herobrine broke up. Um brine left the CP mansion to take care of his kingdom. Um slender is doing well Jeff is still crazy and well brine is the only that really changed. Hope you guys enjoyed this and... Brine would you do the honors.

See you later FalloutCrafters.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2019 ⏰

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