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"Pack only the things you need (Y/n)."

"But Mama-."
She shook her head.
"Hush child, it's all for the best... I hope..."

"A-all right...". A picture of your family, clothes, food, and jewelry were what you put in your suitcase.

Looking at father, you noticed the anger in his expressions. "Why can't we just live a normal life, we are gonna die in that hell hole."

The ghettos.
That's where the Jews were being placed.
It was an order. Those who stayed were shot.
Mother was sobbing. After all our home was very special to us, it's where we spent all our memories, right in our beloved house.

(Y/n) tied her long (H/c) into a bun. You placed your hand on door of the house.

We walked and walked.  Father was tired, his back was hurting. He had already retired from his original work.

We all wore the Star of David. The Germans would look at us as if we were filth.

"jüdischen Abschaum in Reihe bringen!". -Get in Line Jewish Scum-

The German soldier said, he kicked father into the ground.

Mother gasped. "Schätzchen!!!." -Sweetie-

The Germans laughed as they walked away.
Father got up, his forehead bleeding.
One solider however looked back at (Y/n) he smirked as he looked at her, he then walked into the opposite direction.

'I better stay away from German soldiers...' You thought to yourself.
Putting your fathers arm over yours, you helped father walked until we arrived.

You put your hands over your mouth. Everyone was so crowded, children crying, even grown men. It was awful.
Mother laid father down to rest.
"Ruhe meine Liebe." -rest my love-

Setting the luggage down, you sat next to your parents. 'Why the Jews... What have we done to deserve this...'

"Oi!!!." A German police officer spoke.
"Get in a straight line, every one of you! Everyone will receive keys to your apartments!."

"Mother, I'll get the keys, ok?."
With her approval, you waited in line.

"I heard after this all will be fine."
"We are gonna die"
"What will happen to us..."

Hearing all the conversations you too wondered yourself.
"Jew.... Komm her." -come here-
The soldier looked at you.
He handed you the keys.
Number 245

"Thank you."

"Move IT!." He yelled.
Nodding quickly you obeyed his orders. It would be horrible to die here.

I appeared back at the apartments.

"Mother, I got them."


"Such a small place, oh my." Mother spoke.
Her voice seem tired and weary.
"Lay me down please." Father said, the blood had dried up.

(Y/n) sat on the floor. Everything was dusty.
Well, at least we had food. Living in Poland was never easy.

Day had fallen into night. It was so cold.
Your breath could be seen in the dark.

Shivering you somehow manage to keep warm, your own body heat perhaps.

"Goodnight..." she said to her parents, who were already asleep.


We walked around the ghetto. Our breakfast consisted of a few loafs of breads and water.
Bodies, dead bodies were on the ground, rotting.

You looked back to see parents, but they weren't there. "Hm, maybe they went back to the apartments...".

You walked further throughout the ghetto by yourself.
"Ah, schau was wir hier haben?." -look what we have here-

Standing there you knew this was a big mistake.
You quickly noticed one of the German soldiers... 'It was the one that looked back at me...'

"bitte, ich muss zurück..." -Please, I have to go back- She spoke in German.

"Isn't she gorgeous."
"Total beauty."
"I want a taste of her."

'No, no, no.'

One German grabbed hold of the other
The other pinned you down.

"No, don't!!!."

You heard them all laugh as you knew what was about to happen.

"STOP, NO!."


Chapter 1

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