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You stood there. Blouse ripped. Skirt torn...
The men had left already.
Standing there lifeless, you wanted to get up, but your stiff legs stood still.

"Why God...". Laying in the ground, you sobbed. The ghettos had a curfew, if you were late, death waited upon you.

(Y/n) got up, wincing and whimpering.
Her skirt was torn from the front, she tightened the skirt so that everyone wouldn't
suspect anything.
However... You noticed... no one was there, except for the rotting bodies...

'How long was I out...?.'

You looked for mother and father.

'Maybe their at the apartments...''

Limping, you arrived at your destination.
(Y/n) sniffed as she opened the door to her small, dusty home.

"Mama, Father, I-I..."

Her (E/c) eyes widened to the slightest pulp in horror, fear, sadness, regret....
Mother was on the floor, shot to the head.
You looked at father... His face on the floor, in a pool of blood.

Tears escaped every inch of your eyes, you screamed, shouted, cursed the world.

A door opened. A soldier.
"ah mehr jüdischer Abschaum!."
-Ah, more Jewish scum-
He grabbed you by your now messed up bun.
"You'll miss the train." He spoke as he smiled, as if enjoying the treatment he was giving you.

He threw you onto the train. You screamed and shouted your mother and father's names.
"I heard we are going to a camp
where we are forced to work."
"Maybe we are going to go to a different ghetto."
"It's pointless... Death is the only thing that waits for us..."

You looked at the people talking.
'I don't want to die...'

"We didn't even stay for more than day, the Germans said we left due to bombings around our area." Spoke someone.

'That's why we left...'

She crawled to the end of the train, where she stayed. Her dull expression looking lifeless.


It had been two days being on that train.
Much people had gotten sick, some died due to it.
The train halted to a stop.
More Germans waited for you to arrive.
"alle von euch raus!." -all of you, get out!-

We all exited the train. No one dared to ask, however, a little girl tugged on the German's attire. "wohin gehen wir?." -where are we going?-

The man pulled out his gun as she shot the little girl. She laid dead on the floor.
Nothing could've been done.
Sighing, you looked away. As did all the others.

"Now, Leave all your belongings here, suitcases, shoes, whatever is of importance to you."

"(Y/n)!!!!." You looked to see your childhood friend. "Yael!!!." Both hugged each other.
"You know about your parents... don't you?."
Wiping away a few tears, you nodded.

"I wanted to tell you... I found out that you came along with us... I came to your apartment, and I brought this along with me..."

She pulled (Y/n)'s suitcase.

"Thank you so much!."

(Y/n) took our her family picture, folding it and putting it inside her boots. She then pulled out her jewels. 'Maybe I can trade them for food...'

"(Y/n)... I must go, they are separating us."
Before you could respond, she had already left.

"Thank you." (Y/n) whispered.

You threw your suitcase in all the other piles.
The rooms they put you in were vile, they stank, they were filthy, as if they were everything wrong with the world.

Much people had to share rooms. Almost everyone except you. Not much Jews had made it this far.


"Seems like you have this room all to yourself, enjoy it while it lasts." The soldier said as he shut the door.
You sat, hugging your knees.

You mumbled and mumbled and mumbled the same words over. "If god has forsaken me, then I shall forsaken god, if god has forsaken me, then I shall forsaken god, if god has forsaken me, then I shall forsaken god.... I'll kill you, I'll kill you, I'll kill everyone who did this to my family! There is no god, there is no god, there is no GOD."

The room turned cold, very cold. You shivered. Whispers were heard all around you.

Such a soft, yet powerful voice you have there, dear.

(Y/n) jumped at the voice who spoke.

Yours eyes squinted as you saw a turquoise mist floating around you.

"What is that?!." You said as you ran to door, banging on it.

"Get me out of here!." Screaming, you had actually hoped that the German soldiers would open the door.

"Sei still!." -be quiet- you heard one officer say.
You looked back, the mist was still there, not only that. But you too were freezing in that cold, small room.

Already scared of me? Such a shame, and here I thought we were going to be friends.

"What are you?!."

What do you think I am ?

You stayed silent.

The 'thing' chuckled.

The colored mist appeared closer.
Hm, I sense anger, guilt, sadness...

You blinked multiple times. You looked sad.

By your expression, I believe I'm right, no?

Giving nothing but a simple nod. The creature chuckled once more.

They're coming...


The door slammed open. Hitting (Y/n)'s head, causing her to bleed.

"What's with all the yelling?!?." The officers asked.

"I'm sorry... I Jus-."

The officer punched and kicked her, causing her to fall on the ground.

"Yell one more time, and you'll face a deadly consequence."

"Y-Yes Sir."

Once the door closed you checked to see if the mist was still there.

Nothing. Dissipated.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2019 ⏰

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