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Somebody real who's hard to find somebody worth all your time somebody real who tell you the truth someone who love that's true for you someone That knows all of your flawless doesn't empose try to control it let u be free doesn't device giving u a chance to believe ,believe in something's

Sitting here in my feelings because of my so call boyfriend dropped me off on side of the road should've killed his ugly ass I just still can't believe someone I love so much hurts me so bad guess he taught me a lesson don't never love these love games

My name Evona I'm 17and have a twin sister her name is Evon we look just alike but act nothing alike she's quiet and calm but can beat some ass dont get us Jhonsons mistaking for some one who care only thing about Evon she has nothing no type of body but she has natural blonde curly hair all 5 of us do stop the middle of are back but me on the other hand got a body like nicki manji but me 100% real I'm 4,6 and got a loud ass mouth all of us really don't care what comes out of our mouth we just let it roll

My baby sister Evoria is 5 she has a body like me no chest but packing baggage she is real smart really don't give a fuck about what some girls say about her she keep her hair up in a bun are pony tail cause she got to much to much hair to be 5.

My oldest brother Evontae is 18 he swear he the shit these hoes down here where I stay In the ghetto new orlands throw there self at him my brother brown skin with a med nappy temp and one whole in one ear a tat on his arm that says Tameka R.I.P 1980-2013 and some golds he stay dress like the rest of us.

now my advice brother that's what I call him he to smart and only 10 his name Evarious he a okay one he have his days he got a low temp bright skin and hazel eyes like everyone else he just dies his hair from time to time he got hoes just like his brother

like this is my first book I'm so proud that I had the confidence but comment need more characters

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