Liv (+Jacob and Maya) - Paying The Price

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This is some kind of weird mixture of current storylines btw. I haven't actually written it yet (obvi) so I'm not 100% how this is actually going to turn out, but I'm sure if this is still here then it's true.
Writing this at 2:30am, fuelled on energy drinks and in the middle of a stack of homework on my bed. Life just isn't going my way recently. Anyhow, i decided that I would ignore the 20 books and random sheets of paper lying around me waiting to be completed and write a new chapter instead. (And I'm listening to British house music, this is why my countries great, this whole genre is such a bop I swear)(plus my new drake + oasis vinyls, love them so much wowwww)
So enjoy my crazed, early morning, energy drink fuelled chapter, and I'll see you next time


Liv and Aaron had been arguing none stop since Billy Fletchers arrival in the village. Aaron had been on edge for weeks, and his anger only rose each time he saw the man roaming around his home village, where his family lived and worked. All he wanted was to put all of the things that had happened to him in prison behind him, to forget all of the hardships and move on. No chance of that now.
With Aaron's rising anger building up, he and Liv had been constantly arguing, with more and more smaller issues increasing his anger levels.
The siblings couldn't stop arguing over everything and anything, and not even Robert could stop it.
The Dingle-Sugden home had been a place of tense atmosphere recently, and as much as she hated to admit it, all Liv had wanted was a strong drink.

The Woolpack was completely full when Liv entered, people filling out each table, the area surrounding the bar packed with customers shouting their orders at a stressed looking Charity.
Liv smirked to herself and looked around, spotting Robert and Aaron and walking to sit with them.
She pushed the backpack off of her shoulder, slumping down into her seat and looking over at them both.
"A smile wouldn't go amiss." Robert joked, Aaron smiling with him as Liv looked over at the pair, clearly unamused.
She looked at the pair once again, smiling slightly before standing up and pushing her way through the crowd of people and to the bar.
"Charity... Charity." Liv shouted over the rowdy customers. "Charity."
She sighed and made her way around the bar and through the back.
"And where are you going?" Charity shouted over the noise, looking back at Liv for a moment before turning and facing the punters once more.
"I'm thirsty, and clearly I'm not going to get a drink here."
"Soft drinks only missy."
Liv tolled her eyes as she walked past Charity, "of course." She shouted back.
She made her way through to the backroom, sighing as the walked into the kitchen and grabbing a glass from the top cupboard. She moved towards the tap, reaching out to pour a glass of water when the small bottle of vodka came into view, hidden behind several medicine bottles and containers of pills.
Liv gazed intently at the bottle, wanting to snap out of that mindset yet knowing that she needed the drink, and desperately.
Her hand wavered in its place for several seconds whilst her mind attempted to tell her what to do, yet failing her.
Rushing to grab the glass she pushed the medicines out of the way, not caring where they fell as she grasped the cool bottle.
It brought Liv peace. A soothing sensation in the back of her mind came through, calming her intensely.
She couldn't drink it now, Liv new that. Aaron would smell it on her breath within a moment, and she couldn't afford any slip ups, especially where her brother was concerned. He had enough to deal with recently, and she knew this would make him so much worse, she just couldn't do that to him. No.
She grabbed a plastic bag from the bottom cupboard and chucked the bottle into it, wrapping it into a small parcel like shape and making her way to the door.
The cold air hit Livs face harshly, gnawing at her cheeks. She titled her face down, scanning the floor around the back door and placing the bag behind the recycling bin.
Liv looked up, watching as the clouds moved slowly through the sky, floating around freely.
Free. If only.
She closed the door abruptly as Charity sounded from the bar, walking back through to the pub front solemnly, completely forgetting about the mess of medicines and pills she'd left lying on the floor, the cupboards that were half open and the glasses that were strewn around the sink.
Breathing deeply, and calming her emotions, she walked back through towards her brothers.
"Thought you were getting a drink." Aaron asked, looking up and raising his brow as he took a sip from his own drink.
"Yeah I, I don't feel too good. Think I'm going to go home and relax in peace for a while."
Robert looked up at that, watching Liv intently and checking her face closely.
"You look a bit pale. You sure your okay. You don't want us to come back with you do you?"
"I'm 16 Rob, I can look after myself for a few hours."
He laughed it off, seeing her discomfort and turning back to his drink, "you do that then. No inviting Gabby round or anything."
"Yeah, yeah." She waved his comment off, grabbing her bag and coughing several times in order to emphasise her story before walking out of the pub door.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2019 ⏰

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