My Fam

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Roc:This is my Family

Des: No its not.. we r ur family

Roc: No.... I have seen my children come out of my wife i have seen them try to walk and yes there staring to learn and un like u i havent seen u in like 1 year and for the last 12 mouths i have been here with my fam

Des: when u left i wasnt preg but 2 mouths later i was

Roc: Get the fuck out ma house and font look for me ever im happy

Des: Im Not Leaving

Roc: Then i will take u out


Roc:Bae get the child

Liz: Okay

**roc takes out desiree and then gives her royal**

Liz: Roc is all of tha true

Roc: I did Have A relationship with her but like Years ago

Liz: idk who she is but im not letting her still my man

Roc: were did...

Liz: I toke them upstairs well u and des were fighting

Roc: *kiss* *kiss* *kiss*

Chresanto: *crys*

Liz: lemme go

Roc:*kiss* *kiss* No imma go with u

*Roc kisses Liz all the way upstairs*

*Liz hits her Waste on the chair*

*got upstairs*

Roc: ugh are u okay

liz: Kina

roc: Poor Baby

Liz: Come here Baby Chresanto


Roc:oooooo she said her first word

Liz: Haha It was mama not daddy

roc: w.e

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