III. The Sky Is No Man's Land

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The London night is dark and dreary as Jools rushes through the parking lot, his hood up to his pointy white ears through the cold. The music from the houses blares and hurts his hearing, for he has the sharpest sense in all of these streets by far. The alpha doesn't do parties, mostly because of the music (he would only be there for the drugs), and besides, he can have his own party at home by getting a few omegas high.

The short boy pushes through a crowd of jocks, his arms grabbing for open air in the bustle of the college party gig. The lights scream with the beat of the music, flashing harsh white and red and orange, making the pupils of the werewolf shrink. He sniffs in the air for a moment, searching for a particular stench that he's oh-so-familiar with. Cannabis is his only reason for being in the city; he already has enough cocaine to last him until the end of the month.

"Hey, mate, I need you to sell me some stuff." He taps on the shoulder of a brunette with large, muscled arms, knowing the deed well. The boy turns around, raising his eyebrows at the sight.

"Yeah, okay, you are..." The jock meets his cold, brown eyes with red, and they dart up to the ends of his ears, furry and white. His beard is thick and bushy, tracing all the way up to his golden locks of hair. And not to mention big fangs poking out, ready to bite whenever necessary. "You're a werewolf. I'm innocent, don't hurt me."

"Nah, mate, I'm just here for weed." He chuckles, sticking his sharp teeth out just to prove his motive. "I'll bite your friends another day. Do y'a got any zips on y'a?"

"Fuck, you're really serious. Hey, Bradley, come 'ere. This guy's a real werewolf."

A man of darker hair approaches, his eyes lighting up in disbelief. "No way, I thought they lived way out in the wilderness. What's the deal with a college party?"

"I want weed," Jools giggles from his mouth, long tongue licking his lips. "You kids are the best people to get it from. Can you give me the stuff so I can get out of here? The music kills my ears."

"What's your rank? You've got brilliant eyes." Questions the boy, leaning up to stare into the blood-red pupils of the werewolf in his human form.

The blond grins, eating up all of the attention. "I'm the alpha male. No joke. Only one with red eyes."

There's been a small gathering of people now partaking in the questioning of the man, who blushes pink and stuffs his hands into his old jeans. Before he can talk about how he managed to become the alpha in the first place, a scream is heard from the upstairs of the frat house, one that makes Julian's ears bleed internally.

"What the hell was that?" He mutters, covering his pointy ears as they ring. Most of the party hasn't seemed to notice the noise, drinking and talking over the pounding beats as usual.

"I didn't hear anything," The dealer shrugs, finally reaching into his pocket and counting change to hand over to Jools. The blond takes the zip and puts it in his coat pocket, patting it safely. "Hey, don't be a stranger. I want to know how much sex you're getting being the alpha and all."

"Yeah, yeah," And the scream is heard again, causing the blond to wave off the boys and head up the stairs, just to inspect. He can't wait to get back and smoke a joint, laying in the bathtub up to his neck and letting an omega rub his sore feet.

The hallway is hot and dim, and Jools squints his eyes as he follows the shrill of whimpers and voices. In a room to the west, he discovers it, cracking the door open to meet eyes with two boys and a boy on the bed, the victim with tape over the mouth and loopy as he struggles.

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