Rant 1

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So I'm mad more like pissed off at my boyfriend. So let me tell you why I'm pissed of at him. Ok so I was on the phone with my cousin and we were talking about random stuff and then my boyfriend texted her and he hasn't text me and he usually texts me first but this really didn't make me mad just suspicious but who cares right, nope because I have the right to be suspicious because me and my cousin started to talk about my boyfriend and she tells me that the day I was at a sleepover and I couldn't talk to him that she was on a call with him all night and he tells her that if me and him ever broke up that he would date her ( she used to like him when I dated him the first time because we have dated two times now) and he keeps saying that if she ever liked him again to tell him and she tells me all of this and like I get pissed off so I go and text him to see if it was true and it was but he said he would never Break up with me. But I'm more suspicious because for the past two weeks he keeps getting texts from random girls and we have been together for almost two months and I just feel betrayed and the trust I had just has went out the door and I don't know what to do anymore because I love him so much but I don't know if he loves me he tells me he does but I don't know if he means it. I just don't know what to do if anybody could give me advice please do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2019 ⏰

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