Too close for comfort

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    Mizouka's P.O.V

"Guys deactivate your kagune and find that student." I order before We ran separate ways and I was sniffing the air. I found a garden with someone in it and sure enough they had the camera.

I could tell it was a guy but they were very mysterious. "Give me the camera." I demand. "And WHY Should I do that?" He Asks while protectively holding the camera. "Cause if you don't I'll have to eat you." I Said.

"You can't eat me." He replied back. "I'm gonna give you to the count of five to give or die." I Said Cause I could smell that they were coming but I also smelled Yuki so I need him to hurry up.

"One." I Said as My purple eyes had changed, now my pupils are red and my Irises are black. "Two. Three." I continue. "Fine here just don't kill me!" The boy said as I snatch the camera and snap it in half.

"Good day!" I Say Then walk off and regroup with them. "Did you get it?" Touka Asks. "Yeah I snapped it in half after words." I Said. "Good." Uta Said Before Yuko approached us. "Tomoka why did you run off?" She asked.

I fake smile before I reply. "Oh,Sorry I just had something I had to do." I Said. "Oh ok well you gonna help me watch the school grounds tonight?" She Asks curiously.

"Um sure." I Said then walked off with them since they had a dorm next to mine. "I heard I'm sharing with you Mizouka." Touka Said. "YES!" I shout. "That girl must be stupid what was her name Yuki? she couldn't tell if your really smiling or not." Kenaki Said.

"Well that's how you manipulate people like her." I Said. "So I'm guessing your not hunting today?" Uta Asked. "Oh we are I'm just gonna pretend to help her." I Said.

"What If you need to meet up with her?" Touka Asked. "I will. I'm gonna meet up then I'm gonna change in my dorm and meet you guys at the big window beside the classroom." I Said.

"Well I'm not joining I have a mask to design, so bring me all the eyes." It's requested. "Sure I'll bring you one of mine." I Said. "Let's go." Touka Said Before The boys walk to Kenaki's dorm as I open me and Touka's.

"I'll be back in a few minutes so change and be ready to meet Kenaki." I Said as I jump out my window and reach the spot Yuki told us to meet at. "Your here!" Yuko Says happily. "Yeah." I Say as Zero walks off and Yuki walks off with him but stops.

"When you get tired go back to your dorm." She Said. "Ok." I say and When their outta site I jump in my room through the window. "Go get dressed." Touka Said. I walk over to the closet and pull out my hunting outfit.

I change in the bathroom and put on my mask. "Let's go." I Say So We jump out the window and meet on the wall next to the giant classroom window. "What class is that?" Touka Asks.

"The stupid night class." I Say as We wait and then Kaneki jumps up. "Who're they?" Kenaki Asks so I sigh. "Mosquitos." I Say bluntly. "Let's go already." Touka Said in a hurry.

We jump down but I catch a glimpse of the night class staring. Then we run into town and hide in separate places. I see a man and his girlfriend walking by. I do my impression of a little girl.

"Help me someone please!" I Yell in a childish yet frightened voice so They walk in he alley and I cover their mouths with two of my rinkaku. They look down and thought they could break it.

I look at them with a frown. "Just because somethings crystal doesn't mean you can break it." I Said as I use my other two to puncture a whole in their stomachs and then I release them before I deactivate my kagune.

I eat part of them before looking around the alley for cameras. As if on cue Touka and Kenaki walk in. I cut the people into small peices and put it in my bag. "Do you want me to bring him the eyes?" Kenaki Asked me and Touka.

"Sure!" I Say Then hand him one and eat the other one. "You gonna leave her necklace and his tie there?" Tijuana's Asks as she hands Kenaki two eyes. "Yeah less stuff for me to deal with." I Say.

We walk back to the school and jump on the gates. "We need to get there fast so jump through the windows of your dorms." I Said. "Night Guys." Kenaki Said as he ran to his dorm.

"Let's go." Toucan Says as she runs to our dorm. "Night Kenaki." I Say Before run to our dorm and I jump In first since I'm carrying half a dead person. Touka jumps in and helps me stuff them in the mini fridge.

"So gonna finish patrolling?" She Asks curiously. "After I take a shower because that Zero person smells like the night class." I Said Before walking in the bathroom and shutting the door.

I made sure to wash my outfit before I put it away. I step in and wash my hair so nobody questions it. My eyes go back to their purple color and I finish washing so I grab a towel.

I change into my uniform and step out. "See you tomorrow!" Touka Said As she laid in bed. "Ok." I said before jumping out the window and walking around. "Hi Tomoka where've you been?!" Yuki Asks as she runs towards me.

"Walking around." I lie with a fake smile. "Well I have a special weapon for you since we can't have anymore Special ones." Yuki Said. "Sure what is it?" I Ask with a emotionless expression.

"Well headmaster needed one and the association we got our original ones from called a group named the CCG and they gave us this it's for special people like the night class." Yuki explained.

"Why would you need to use that on the night class?" I Asked as I backed away from her but she took a step forward. "Um I'll ask head master if I can tell you but take this!" Yuko Said as She tried handing it to me but I backed away and shook my head.

"No you can keep it I don't need one." I try assuring her. "Trust me you do." Yuko Says But when She touched me with it and it cut through my arm. "TOUKA!?" I scream in pain so She jumped down and looked at my arm.

"HOW'D IT CUT YOU?!?" She Asks in shock. "It's a weapon from the CCG!" I Yell while tears cascaded down my face. "Damn Them, I'll take you to Uta and Kenaki I left my first aid kit with them." Touka Says.

"I'll heal but we need to get that weapon." I Said as She looks at Yuki and her breath hitches. "You need to get rid of that weapon I don't care how just do it before you kill us." Touka Said.

"I'm so sorry but what's wrong?" Yuko Asked as I look at the weapon and start to active my rinkaku. "Wait no need for that I got this." Touka Said So I deactivate it before Yuki can see it.

"This burns." Tijuana's Said as she snatched the weapon from Yuki." "Let me see it." I demand. "Absolutely not." Touka Said But I look up to see Kenaki and Uta are there. "Why are you guys here?" I Ask. "We smelled your blood and got worried." Uta Said.

"Hand me the weapon." I demand so She tosses it to me and I stand up. "DIE CCG!" I Say as it starts burning through my hand before I throw the weapon and it disappears. "If you die can I have your eyes?" Uta Asks.

"No Uta." I Say bluntly. "I told you to run so you'd be safe but your just in more danger." Touka said. "I know don't worry." I Say in a soothing tone but She gets up and looks at Yuki.

"Don't do it Touka it's not worth it." Kenaki warns. "An arm for an arm Kenaki." Touka Said darkly. "But her arm won't grow back." It's Said while referring to Yuki. "I don't care!" Touka Said as She activated her kagune and lunges at Yuki who's frozen to the spot.

To be continued...

The Bewitching Ghoul||Tokyo Ghoul/Vampire Knight Crossover Book 1Where stories live. Discover now