Chapter 11

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The Man that Made the Women Flowers

  I walked into the BAU feeling the tiredness hit me. I let out yawn as I say down at the circle table and leaned against Derek as Garcia explaines what was going on.

"Okay the first woman was black woman and she had her legs dislocated multiple times and her arms were the same way. She also has deep cut wounds in her throat and wrist and ankles, but the thing that stood out the most was she was laid out in the middle of town with flowers around her also covering just her chest and her personal area which indicates that she was sexually abused at some point." Garcia said as he showed us all of the other picture of the four other  victims

"Wheel up in thirties" Hotch said as I gathered my stuff and headed for the jet with Derek by my side.
  I got on and laid down on the couch and started to fall asleep until Garcia came up

"Wakey wakey Scarlett" she said as I let out a groan and sit up looking up at her

"Where are we going again?" I asked

"Pennsylvania Florida" Garcia said as I just groan and lay back down

"Okay so there signs of sexual activity which would most likely be a man, but the flowers just don't make sense. A guy wouldn't do that. A woman would do that to show sympathy" I said

"So we're looking at a team of a woman and man. What if there husband and wife or boyfriend and girlfriend" I said as they all agreed with me.

"Alright Scarlett you and Derek will check out the bodies. Reid and JJ you'll talk to the families and then me and Gideon will head to the station to see where we are at. Get some rest everybody" Hotch said as I agreed with that and laid back down on the couch.
  I was just about to fall asleep until I felt a hand go around my waist

"Are you guys a couple now?" JJ asked as I just lifted up my hand and gave them a thumbs up feeling tired.
  I started falling asleep hearing them say congrats to us and saying finally you guys got together as I just rolled my eyes falling asleep.
  I felt someone waking me up and turn around to see Derek standing over me.

"Ugh already?" I asked as he just laughed at me. I got up and grabbed my stuff and getting in the car with Derek.

"Let's go see what we can find out" Derek said as I just nodded my head and looked out the window.

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