Part 17

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After us just drowning each other with our multiple thoughts and insecurities it felt like we were back to normal only with a baby now. I smiled deeply and he did too after the longest.

We talked about a lot of shit and it all jus made a lot of weight get off my back. Franky was the last thing we needed to do. Well Handro I convinced to ask for forgiveness.

While Handro went with Franky I went to get Atiya but before I could Kato appears looking worried.

"You straight" He ask looking at my super red face.

"Way better" I sigh pulling him in a hug.

"So you and my mans"

"It's o-Kato" I laugh and he looks confused.

"I'm saying it's okay tho with your name" I laugh and he just walks away with a really bitch look.

Me and Handro will always be okato.

I soon spot Atiya who was eating with the Butler so I leave her be and go check up on Franky and Geesy. But once I got there Handro got out his room looking horrified.

"What happened" I ask

"He was sleeping with a girl but I quickly said sorry" he says in full on disgust.

"Papas I missed you so much" I then pull him in for a hug and he starts rocking us both back and fourth.

"Missed you to hermosa" (beautiful)

Before I went to bed I saw Geesy posted and press the notification. Maybe he posted Atiya? He went downstairs for her a while back.

Ohgeesy posted

Ohgeesy: after pregnancy months later looks bomber wtff 😩😍, hey I ain't complaining

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Ohgeesy: after pregnancy months later looks bomber wtff 😩😍, hey I ain't complaining

❤️ 💭
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Hennessy.2: how you get my personal photo bum?
Ohgeesy replied: you mean daddy?!
Ohgeesy: it's called getting ya phone doofus 🤦🏻‍♂️
Hennessy.2: daddy? Hahjahaha ur funny

Masterkato: 😯 🤤

After that I hear someone open the door and I see Handro without his shirt with a sleeping Atiya. He then lies her in the crib he got her.

"Besito" he whines doing a duck face all up on my face.


"By the way I'm daddy" he laughs.

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