Chapter 9

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I woke up by light shinning in my eyes from the curtains being half open. I felt an arm around my waist, i turned around and saw a cute sleeping Jordan.

I started to think about everything that happen last night. I met Cameron, jordan had a hookup with a chick,i drank, Jordan and Cameron fighting and now i am cuddled up to Jordan.

I couldn't help but think he is such a nice guy. He told me the stuff i needed to know about him and things I was practially begging him to tell me. I am kinda glad he knows Jeremy, it makes things a lot more easier. 

I left my thoughts hoping Jordan will wake up soon. I really want to have a shower and some breakfast.I slowly moved his arm from around my waist and go out the bed. He groaned but i ignored it and continued to walk to the bathroom.

I made it to my ensuit with him waking up. I entered and shut the door behind me and making sure i lock it so we dont have an accident with him walking in. I turned the hot water on with a little bit of cold, i let the room get all steamy before i hopped in. I got undressed and put my clothes in a basket. Finally i got in the shower. It was so warm and relaxing. I finally can have a little bit of my time and think.

* 30 Minutes Later *  

After my fingers and feet were all wrinkled up i turned the water off and got out the shower. I dryed myself and tied my towel up around myself.

I unlocked the door and began to walk out. I almost screamed when i saw Jordan sitting on my bed but smirking up at me. I forgot he was there.. woops I blushed and walked over to my walk in wardrobe. 

" You can stop staring Jordan " 

" Your just so fine, i like staring " He winked.

" Jordan " I said angrily

" Fine fine" he replied while holding his hands up in surrounder.

" Mind if i shower" He asked

" Go ahead, theres a clean towel already in there" i replied

" Do you want to wash me princess" He smartly remarked

I through my pillow at his head and he just chuckled and walked into the bathroom. Which i didnt hear him lock the DOOR!

I got dressed, did my makeup and tidy up my room. I thought i will search through my facebook while i wait for him

* 10 Minutes Later *

Jordan came out of the bathroom already dressed and his hair was already done. He must of got ready in there. 

" Wow you were quick" I said quickly

He smirked and i instaly relised what i said 

" I mean not in that way, i mean im sure you last long i mean ah well-" i was cut off

" Youre to cute" he said while laughing

Aw he called me cute i thought while i blushed like a weirdo

" so should we go get some breakfast? " he asked

I was quite glad he asked because i really wanted to get breakfast with him but i didnt want to be the one who asked. 

" Would love to " I replied sweetly

After talking and arguing for about 10-15 minutes on where we should go for breakfast we decided to go to Maccas Plain and simple and honestly my FAVOURITE!

We drove to Maccas in his car, him driving of course. We arrived out the front and decided we will just go drive thu.

Jordan spoke into the speaker 

" Ahh can i please get  Big Mac Meal Large,Coke for the drink" He spoke to the speaker 

I will get the same i wispered to him, he looked at me like 'really you can fit that in you' i just smiled

" Make that two please"

" No problem sir, $20, drive to the next window." the machine spoke back ( worker )

He drove to the next window and collected our meals. We drove down infront of the beach because the beach was right infront of maccas. We had our windowns down because it was such nice sunny warm weather. He gave me my meal and we began to eat.

" Are you sure you can even eat all that Chel"

" Hell yess, I am starving and plus girls dont fucking eat salads" i replied while laughing

" Well honestly i am glad you got that meal instead of a salad." he smiled

" your not a shy person are you chel"

" i am but i guess i am comfortable around you" 

" Well i'm glad about that" 

We ate our meals and talking for around an hour about everything.I am so glad i met him and i am very glad he took and interest to be friends with me. After our eating/talking session he drove me back home.

" Well i guess i will see you at school princess" he said

" I guess you will prince" i replied and shut the door quickly

I turned around and winked at him only to find him already smirking and winking at me. We waved goodbye and he drove off while i went inside my house.

I had such a good time out but for some reason i was so tired so i decided to put on a movie and lay on the couch with pillows and a blanket.

 * Vibration *

 I looked over to see my phone had a text message. 


Ali and i wont be at school for this whole week. We are going on a holiday, sorry we didnt tell you sooner or invite you but this

has been planned and booked since last year ahah. We are going to Miami. See you in a week. 

Love Love xx

ps. Dont get up to anything silly with the boys.If you do TEXT ME! ahah :) 

From Summer xox


Hey Summer, Oh okay , no problem i will be fine.. Have a great time and take lots of photos. That's fine i understand. See you in a week

Love Love xx

ps. Dont worry i wont be doing ANYTHING!ahaha

Be safe 

From Rochelle xox

I put my phone back on the stand.Great a full week with out them and left alone with the boys. Great. I went upstairs to my room so i can change into some pjs. I have been watching movies all day and now it's time for me to go to bed. I layed in my bed all snugled up.

* Vibration *

I had a wonderful day princess, I will see you tomorrow.

I got your number when you were in the shower ;)

Jordan xx

I found that so sweet that he texted me. aww. I know this sounds mean but i couldn't bother replying. 

So i layed down and let myself into the darkness.

I would love feedback and ideas for this book. Please Comment :-)



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