Chapter One: Can you remember?

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"Um, could I get a Cinnamon Dolce Latte, please?" a perky looking brunette asks me.

"Yes, yes you can. What size?" I reply.

"Venti, please."

"Okay." I say smiling at her, then turn around to make her drink. I grab that little metal cup to put the milk in and press it onto the nozzle and the steamed milk comes out, filling up the cup. I walk to the other side of the counter and pour on the cinnamon dolce syrup, spray the whipped cream on the top, then sprinkle a little cinnamon over that to seal the deal. I grab a lid and place it on top while walking over the counter to hand the lady her drink.

"Here you go." I say smiling, and hand her her cup.

"Thanks," she smiles back, "how much?"

"$6.99, $7.25 with tax." I reply.

She gets out her wallet and hands me the money, smiling one more time, then walks out.

"Who's next?" I call out to the entire building, looking down at my phone once more, looking at a text message.

"Uh, I'd like a Caramel Macchiato, a Cinnamon Dolce Latte, a Cafe Mocha, an Iced Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha, a Chocolate Chunk Cookie, a Chocolate Croissant, a Double Chocolate Brownie, a slice of Pumpkin Bread, a Pumpkin Scone, and a Raspberry Swirl Pound Cake."

I tense as soon as I hear a male Irish accent, which reminds me of my childhood bestfriend, Niall, his appetite reminds me of Niall also. I begin to grow angry, Niall and I didn't talk, and we haven't talked since he left for the X - Factor and became this big time superstar. It takes , all I can do not to take my anger out on the customer, I mean, its not their fault Niall left and forgot about me.

"I'm sorry Sir, could you repeat that please?" I ask looking up, and gasp, my jaw hitting the floor when I see who it is.

"Whatever you do, don't scream!" he's says pleadingly, obviously not remembering me. "I'll do anything, just don't scream!"

"Move." I say, backing up to jump the counter. He does. I take two paces and leap over the counter, grabbing his wrist and calling out to my boss, "Mary, I'll be right back, could you run this place for a few minutes?"

"Sure." was her distant reply.

I start to drag him towards the employee exit, when he calls out.

"Um, lads? A little help please?!"

I see four other guys get up from a booth on the other side of the restaurant and begin to run towards the door, pulling him along with me.

"Gosh, who is your personal trainer?!" he asks as I open the door.

"Myself." I grit through my teeth shutting the door and turning to face him. He looks pretty freaked out, seeing as how we're in a dark allyway in New York.

"Um..." is all he gets out before I lose it.


"But, you don't even know me." he stutters out, riling me up even more, when the four other guys come outside.

"Come on Niall, let's go." the one with really curly hair says, grabbing Niall's arm.

"OH, HELL NO!" I scream, slamming the door shut and leaning on it, trapping them.

They look around widly for a second, looking for a place to run before I start again.

" said you wouldn't forget me." I sniffle, and they all start paying attention to me, I swear, you would be able to hear a pin drop.

"W.. what, love?" Niall asks, leaning down to put an arm around my shoulder.

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