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I awoke to my screeching alarm clock, wishing that instead, I had pleasant music to wake up to, but that would never be enough to wake me up. I stopped the shrieking and took a shower, getting ready for my day. My job was a knock-off hooters called Bobby's in my country bumpkin town in Tennessee. I had the morning shift, which I was thankful for as the creeps lurked at night. I put on the trashy cropped shirt and some high wasted jeans. I groaned and begrudgingly put on my heels, they were fucking painful. I jumped into my crappy car and drove to Bobby's. I clocked in quickly, a few minutes from being late. I said hi to my co-workers as I grabbed plates and cups. My shift at Bobby's always went quick. I smiled as I clocked out, hearing the click that I loved to hear. While waiting for my other job to begin, I went to the grocery store, buying stuff that would hold me over for awhile, I lived alone after all. Once the groceries where home and put away, I went to my next job at the strip club. Now, before you scoff in disgust, I'm not an exotic dancer, I'm more of exotic entertainment. I sing, in sexy outfits and honestly, I loved it. Performing at the strip was the closest I could get to performing in front of people. I entered the building and waved to the security guards, who even if it was 8 pm, looked angry already. My usual schedule of saying hi to everyone else that worked there began as I walked to the back dressing room. I passed bartenders, waitresses, and women I shared the stage with. When I finally reached my destination, I found my bestie Bea, getting ready for tonight. Bea was a black girl with long bleach blonde hair, she always had some drama to tell. She was a dancer and a good one at that, in her gold sparkly bodysuit and tall heels.

"I have some tea to spill." She turned in her chair and smiled at me.

"And that would be?" I asked as I grabbed my short red dress out of the closet.

"There's going to be a producers son in the audience tonight, he seems like a real Christian Grey type." She winked at me.

"You know I have no intention of fame Bea." I slipped into the dress and sat at my vanity.

"Cmon (Y/N), what you have is a talent, it's unique."

I chuckled as I applied my red lipstick, "If it's so unique than I would've been long gone by now." I quickly contoured and glued on my eyelashes. I put on my ruby red heels and looked in the full body mirror that hung on the closed door.

"You deserve to be out of here (Y/N)."Bea held me in a hug. Suddenly, the door swung open and a stage worker appeared.

"(Y/N), you're on." Bea let me go and I followed the guy to back stage. I breathed as a girl named Andrea or as I knew her, mega bitch walked off the stage. She had a grudge against me since I showed up here and became a fan favorite over her.  I took my place on the stage, smiling when I heard my music begin the play, Talking Body by Tove Lo.

I had recorded a much slower version played on the piano by me. It was a lot more sexual when slowed. Of course, I sang with my full heart at all times as I always had though the men really didn't care, it was my body they loved. I wrapped up my song which was followed by an enormous applause and stepped off stage, immediately taking up waitressing. I got the usual sexual advances and graces from customers.  Handed out a few drinks and emptied my tray when I spotted Andrea talking to a young man in a suit, he must have been the producers son. He smiled at me when he caught my stare and called my name. Andrea rolled her eyes and grabbed my empty tray as I passed her.

"You were amazing Miss (Y/N)." He shined his pearly whites. Most men didn't have all their teeth in the club.

"Please, just call me (Y/N)." I blushed, he was cute with brown hair and hazel eyes.

"Well (Y/N), you were amazing. My name is Joseph Thorn, my father is Timothy Thorn, owner of Thorn Record Labels."

"I heard." I smiled.

"And if you're interested, I would like to introduce you to my father sometime." As much of an opportunity that was, it could never happen.

Bea's words resented with me, maybe I did deserve a chance out of here?

"So what do you think?" Thorns voice broke from my thoughts and I shook my head.

"No thank you Mr.Thorn." I smiled and walked into the dressing room. Sitting on the nearest chair, I put my head in my hands. "God why didn't I say yes?" Tears threatened to fall, but the door swung open once again, it was my boss who came to find out why I wasn't out working on the floor. I wiped and tears and put on a smile as I went back to my job, feeling like an idiot.

-Time-skip to closing-

I sighed as I took of my demonic heels, nothing could feel better, well maybe not as good as taking off a bra, but close. As I sat at my beauty station, Bea came excited through the dressing room door.

"Girl, I saw you talking to that rich boy, what did he say?" She sat beside me, grinning eagerly.

"Well," I looked down at my lap, "he asked me if I was interested in being introduced to his father." I couldn't tell her the truth, Bea was just so supportive.

"And what did you say?" She leaned in closer, her eyes lit up like a kid's on Christmas, a kid that was just handed a puppy with a bow around its neck, and a brand new Wii console.

"I said," I looked into her eyes, nothing was worse than letting down your best friend, but maybe I could soften the blow, "That I would think about it."

Bea laughed and jumped up into the air, "My best friend's going to be famous!" I laughed with her, secretly having a bad feeling in my stomach.
After declining Bea's attempt to continue the celebration at her house, (I have to get my vocal rest) I changed my clothes and walked out to the parking lot. I walked to my car and unlocked it, a figure frightening me when the lights flashed.

"Hey (Y/N)." It was Andrea, leaning against my car.

"Andrea, you scared me, I thought you were going to kill me or something." I chuckled nervously. Sure, I hated Andrea, but she was the type to murder someone in the Walmart parking lot on Black Friday and that meant that I was nice to her face.
"Don't play nice with me, I saw you talking to Thorn, he likes you." She pushed me and I stepped back.

"Yes, he did talk to me, but I said no." I squinted in the dark, Andrea was nothing but a dark silhouette.

"Don't lie to me!" She pushed me again, this time even harder than the last.

"I'm not lying, Andrea stop!" I attempted to use my arms as shield as she began to punch me in the face.

"That's not what you told Bea! I was there!" She must have been in the closet, putting her stuff up. She continued to hit me, I could feel the blood running down my face.

"Please don't hurt me!" I tried to reason as I tried to get to my car.

"If you cared so much than you wouldn't have talked to Joseph!" She swung her fist at me again and hit me in the check, at this point I was getting faint. I fumbled with my keys, why the fuck did I have so many keys. My hands shook so much the I dropped them, I was now in between Andrea's car and mine, without any keys.

"You can't escape you fucking bitch!" Andrea punched me again, this time I fell back and hit the ground hard. My head bounced as I hit the curb.

"Shit." I felt the back of my head, there was a lot of blood. The world was getting dark, I could only tell that Andrea had driven away by the light of the head lights shining over me as she drove past. I looked up at the stars as my eyes began to feel heavy.

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