07. I wore a mask

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A sound of something breaking
I awake from sleep
A sound full of unfamiliarity
Try to cover my ears but can't go to sleep.

- Singularity (V)

Taehyung's POV~

It took me two hours to unpack my stuff and put them in the right place. When I finished decorating it's almost felt like my mother is back in the room. The room is small and the walls are cream and pale. I like colorful walls as it makes me feel energetic and positive. The room was not like I thought in my mind. It contained a small bed, neatly made, two straight-backed chairs, a washstand, a bureau--without any mirror--and a small table. There were no drapery curtains at the dormer windows, no pictures on the wall. So, I decided to decorate it just like my mom to have a little feeling of being at home.

My mom always used to ask me to clean my room and I would just delay and in the end, it was always her who had to do it. It's not like I didn't want to help her but I just like better when she cleaned it. If she could see my room right now she would have been so happy. I thought of clicking some pictures and send it to her but then I realized I didn't have my phone with me anymore.

I finally gazed my room one last time and felt proud of myself because it looked beautiful. I know my mom can't be here but at least I felt her presence now. I heaved a sigh and decided to go out and discover the remaining campus. I walked outside in the corridor when I saw Jungkook walking with small heavy steps. His wiggled brows and the movement of his mouth as he gritted teeth showed his anger and irritation clearly. I gazed over his face as he looked even more beautiful and charming with his small beautiful eyes blinking a little faster than usual.

"What's that face for?" I asked with a little chuckle.

"Guess who is my roommate!"

"Don't tell me-" I know I should feel bad and try to make him feel comfortable but my mouth was dying to laugh. Well, I was not that bad of a friend so I clamped my lips from laughing.

"It's that Yoongi. I am telling you it's all a conspiracy. First, he hit me with a ball and then he didn't even apologize to me. He called me a kid and then he even spelled my name incorrectly." His words were spat out with the ferocity and rapidity of machine gun fire. I had to stop, I had to take a step before his little head explodes with anger.

"Woah, calm down. I didn't know his presence affects you to this extent."

"What? No. Who said that? I don't care about him." he quickly tried to change his expression just to show that he is not bothered by a simple boy. If he remembers, that he was just lashing out a while ago.

"Then what is the problem?" I asked subtly.

"Problem? He is the whole big walking problem." Jungkook retorted.

"So you care?"

"No, I don't care. Why are you asking that again and again?"

"You just lashed out again." I yawned as I knew it's his daily routine to make a big deal out of small things. He will be normal in a just a few minutes.

"Whatever. Who is your roommate?" He asked curiously as a smile spread over his face. One couldn't say that he is the same boy who was spitting fire a few seconds ago.

Wow, I didn't know it would be this fast.

"My roommate is Jimin," I answered getting along with Jungkook and not asking more questions about Yoongi.

"What? Did you say Jimin?" he asked as his eyes were about to pop out in surprise.

"Don't tell me you did something nasty with him too."

"No, I just... I wish I could be his roommate." he heaved a sigh in disappointment.

"Why?" I was confused with his sudden emotions for Jimin. I felt a little jealous as he wanted him as his roommate and not me. I looked him with curiosity waiting for his reply. I mean, of course, there can't be a big reason as we all just met right?

"Because it's him!" Jungkook said as his brows moved up and eyes sparkled with happiness.

"Okay- and?"

"I didn't tell you this before because I thought I would never see him again. So I just decided to let it go"

"Will you come to the point?" I said as my heart jumped inside my chest with double speed than usual. I could feel the fear in my chest waiting to take over my whole body.

"Remember when we came for our test? He entered the waiting hall as his shoes made a sound which felt so rhythmic. He greeted someone with a wide smile on his face and I swear I never saw a smile as beautiful as his. He looked graceful and handsome in a loose red t-shirt. Red never looked so beautiful on a man. With blonde hair of wool and his head held high, he waltzed on with an effortless saunter. His eyes scanned the room with determination in search of someone and when his eyes met mine he smiled. So beautiful it was like the stars themselves, decided to rest behind the soft cushion of his lips."

"Ok, that's enough." I cut him off as it became harder for me to handle. That spark in his eyes and that smile on his face, while he explained to me, seemed like he went into that time again. He looked happy and it sank my heart because I was not the reason behind it. Though I'm all grown up I'm a kid inside. My grown-up brain is saying to tell him that I am feeling hurt, that I am feeling jealous when you are talking about some other boy with such emotions but my weak little heart is scared. I swallow down the pain, eat it up into my belly and wear a passive face and a tentative smile.

"I mean keep your details with you man! That's too corny." I manage to say as the corners of my eyes crinkled with tears. I quickly move back scared if it falls down and I get caught.

"Hey, don't act like that you brat! I have more to tell," Jungkook says in a childish manner. "Look at me" he puts his hand on my shoulder whining to make me look at him when suddenly someone calls his name. He takes back his hands and looks behind while I quickly used the opportunity to wipe my tears which rolled down to my neck even after I tried hard to control it.

Ok, you are fine Taehyung. Just put a smile, he is still your friend.

It isn't like he said he loves him.

I repeat the words in my head and I finally turn back to see Hoseok joining us. "What's going on here guys? Sorry, I was feeling alone so I thought to join you both." Hoseok scratches his head and says with a nervous smile.

"Hey, don't be sorry. We love making new friends right Taehyung?" Jungkook tries to make Hoseok feel comfortable. "Yes, we love it," I say as Jungkook looks at me for a reply.

"Is Jin Hyung your roommate?" Jungkook asks to Hoseok.

"Yes, I can't believe I am sharing my room with an actor." Hoseok squeals in amusement.

"And my favorite rapper RM," he adds in a soft voice taking care of not calling that name too loudly.

"Oh, you have two roommates!" I say with a little surprise.

"And I can't even survive one," Jungkook mumbles under his breath.

"Did you say something?" Hoseok asks.

"No, I didn't. Did you say something Taehyung?" Jungkook looks at me as I give him a glare warning him to stop playing around with me.

"You both coming to the bonfire night, right?" Hoseok speaks as he notices the tension between me and Jungkook.

"What? A bonfire night?" I asked in bafflement as Jungkook looked equally confused.

"Didn't you read the NoticeBoard? The academy has a bonfire night today so that all the new students can meet each other and have fun." Hoseok explained as the enthusiasm went up on our faces. Jungkook held my hands and squeezed it as he squealed in excitement and I just admired his face which looked enormous with a beautiful smile and a spark of elation in his eyes.

For you, the definition of a beautiful smile must be Jimin but to me, it's only you.


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