Chapter I

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Hi there! This is my first fanfic so it can be a bit crappy. I hope you enjoy it though!


Marrinette's PoV

Sigh. "What's wrong Bugaboo?" Chat softly lands next to Ladybug. "Ah good evening Chat. I'm worried that Hawkmoth's assistant will take revenge on us with the peacock miraculous because we finally defeated her boss." "Don't worry too much about it. We can have some peaceful days together now, right? Just us two patrolling through Paris and defeat thieves and all." Ladybug laughs softly "You make it sound like some kind of date, stupid kitty" "Well it can be a date if you want to have one with me~"

Ah. There he is again with his flirting.

Ladybug decides to stand up and start with the patrol. "Let's just start with our patrol now, Chat" Chat suddenly grabs her hand and pulls it to his mouth and gives it a kiss. "M'Lady, I already patrolled the city earlier. Why don't we just hang around for tonight?"

What is he planning to do this time...

Ladybug pulls her hand away. "Chat... What are you trying to do this time..?" He looks away from her with a painful look in his eyes. "The same as always.. I just want you to accept my feelings" "Chat.. I told you before.. I like someone else."

When will he stop hurting himself like this and just accept that I can't return his feelings.

"It has been almost 2 years since you told me that Ladybug! How come he still doesn't like you back? You're an amazing person! Why won't you just realize that he doesn't see you like I do?!" Ladybug looks at Chat Noir with a terrified look on her face.

This is the first time Chat shouted at me like that...

Chat looks at Ladybug and realizes what he just said and how he said it to her." L-Ladybug.. Sorry I didn't mean to shout at you like tha-" Before he could finish his sentence, Ladybug already jumped away, leaving a terrified and lost cat behind.

Why am I running away..? Ladybug's mind turned blank after what Chat said. She realized that she was being a hypocrite the entire time. Even though she knew that Adrien just sees her as a friend, she still keeps on loving him and wanting to become his girlfriend, although it's impossible.

Lost in her thoughts, she accidentally trips over a roof tile and almost falls off the roof until Chat grabs her leg and saves her from falling off. He gently pulls her up.

"Ch-chat..?" She looks at him and notices that he's about to cry. "Sorry for following you... And sorry for shouting at you like that.. I really didn't mean to hurt you.." Her heart breaks as soon as she heard those words and sees a tear sliding down his cheek. Ladybug hugs Chat really tight and starts crying.

How could I not have seen how much he cares about me? Am I that blinded by love?

"You're not the one that has to apologize Chat. I'm the one that should apologize for being so dumb and such a hypocrite to you. You also saved me right now" She slowly pets his hair to calm him down. Ladybug giggles when he hears a soft purr coming from Chat. "Y-you're not a hypocrite Ladybug. I just shouldn't push this in your face every time we see each other. It's also my fault for being so stupid and not thinking about your feelings" "Kitty.. It's not your fault at all. You're just someone like that, it defines who you are along with your stupid cat-jokes~"

Ladybug pulls his cat ear gently and laughs. Chat joins Ladybug with some cat jokes. "Stupid? They are purr-fect m'lady~"


After a few cat jokes and a lot of laughing Chat stands up and holds his hand out to help Ladybug stand up. He bows in front of her "Care to join me to enjoy the view on the Eiffel Tower? I already prepared a spot for us. Just for this one last time" Chat lifts his head and looks at Ladybug with a soft smile, one she's never seen on Chat's face. "Alright kitty~"


"Okay I think this is just the definition of a beautiful view." Ladybug stared with sparkling eyes to the beautiful scenery. The twinkling light of the Christmas lights made Paris look even more beautiful, especially during the clear night. "Beautiful right?" Chat gently sits down on the blanket and grabs another blanket to keep himself warm and comfy.

"Come sit down next to me m'lady." "Ah sorry Chat. I was just lost in this beautiful view. Thanks for bringing me here..." "It's just adorable to see you completely lost in thoughts and staring at the scenery. Makes me want to see you staring at me like that too, Bugaboo~"

Such an idiot, that cat.

Ladybug gives him a push and giggles. "Alright alright, I'll stop after this one last 'date'" "Promise me, stupid cat" Chat suddenly changes from a smirk to the same soft smile as earlier. That smile is making me worry now. "... I promise Ladybug.."

What was that change of attitude for? As if he distanced himself in an instant.

For the rest of the evening Chat kept on flirting with cheesy lines and cat-jokes in every sentence he said. Ladybug just couldn't stop laughing for all evening.


Plagg's PoV

hat arrives at his mansion and loses his balance, making him fall down hard on the floor of his room. He slowly stands up, a bit wobbly he falls down on his bed.

"Plagg. Claws in." The kwami comes out of the ring and flies over to Adrien. "Adrien, you sure about being okay? You seriously start to worry me a lot now. I'm even choosing to stay without you instead of flying over to your closet to grab a piece of Camembert. That already says a lot you know." Adrien slowly opens his eyes and stares at his kwami with cold eyes.

Okay, his eyes are starting to look like his dad's, the only differnce is that he has bags under them and that his eyes are green.

"As I told you Plagg. I'm okay. Go get your Camembert now." Plagg looks at Adrien with sad eyes as he turns his back towards his kwami. "I'm here if you want to talk to someone. I helped the previous owners with this kind of problems." Plagg gently smiles at the memories before he flies of to his Camembert.

"Good night, Adrien..." Although he knows that Adrien will be crying himself to sleep again.

Did you like my first chapter? Tell me what I can change!
For people confused about what's going on, please read the description of this book, thank you!

Notice: I don't have an update schedule for this fanfic. I never know what school can drag in front of me, I'll try to update at least every month :3

I'll keep you all updated on my status on my profile~

See you next time!

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