Living in the Moment

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Lucy Hale's P.O.V.

I went home crying ..... I was devistated everybody new what happened i was embaressed i couldnt believe that this was happening ..... A 3 year relationship just ended like that howw....... It was like..... Like...... Like falling from a train intoo the cold hard groundd .......

I wore my pjss , ate icecream and watched break up series .... I was devestated

My Bestfreind ashley called and wanted to comfort me but i didnt answer

I was crying and crying till my eyes came puffy and red...... I was the most devistated

Girl on the earth

After a while...........I heard my doorbell ringing

" NOBODY's HOME " i said

"Open , lucyy i'm ashley" she said

" ohh, its opened then ... "

She came inside and she slapped me in the face

"WHAT WAS THAT FORR !!!! " i said angrily

"What's wrong with you ...... He's just a pice of shit .... Dont care for him and what if it was. 3 yeat relationship okk thenn i know that you loved himm too much but that's FAITH ..... You cant change it that is your Destiny who knows what God is hiding for you in the Future " she exclaimed

"But I loved himm" i said crying

"Now go change your clothes " she said exitedly


"We're gonna party all night and meet some cute boys "

"Ashley i'm not in the mood " i wined

She pushed me into my room and picked out the most sexiest black clothes i had in my closet and she made me wear them ......

We went to the most popular club in the city

We danced till we didnt feel our legs anymore

as i was dancingi felt tingles rushed through my spine and then i realized that i saw that boy who caught me Under The Rain i danced closer to him and he finally talked to me

"Hey lucy" he said

"How do you know my name " i said anxiously

"Your id fell out of your bag when i caught you under the rain he said while pulling out my id from his pocket

"Hm good to know.. What about you handsome?" I asked him, he smirked coming closed to me

"Neymar.." He whispered in my ear

I went to bar to drink alchohol and he followed me there and we started drinking and drinking until we couldnt recognize each other . And when the night to be rembered was over he drove me homee........

"You look hot and sexy and beatiful and everything " he said that while he was leaning closer and closer until i got out of the car
He got out of the car too and he walked with me to the door

I opened the door and he said

" i feel like there is a vibe between us " he said drunkly

Arent you gonna let me in ..........................................

"Yes" ..................................................................................................................................

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2014 ⏰

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