chapter 4 (It's gone)

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****Makayla Pov****

"So what song we going to do first?" I ask as they sit their phones down

"Rihanna Russian Roulette," Tyleah says in excitement 

"ard," Ty'sia says as we get up and turn the song on

We did the dance like 3 time and 5 other songs. It was almost 5 and we were walking to the locker rooms and getting our phones from off the side. There were other people in the dance room some watched and some people left. Tyleah walked over to her phone and started laughing.

"what girl?" Ty'sia says to Tyleah with a small smile.

"I told this boy i was going to be done around 6 he blew my shit up," Tyleah says grinning hard.

"awe y'all cute," I says " What he say?" i ask.



yo you taking forever-Jaylen

baby like for real I'm finna come get you-Jaylen

so now you not texting back-jaylen

sn baby girl text me when you out-jaylen

I'm on way back now lmao-Tyleah

she reads out the messages as we change into our sweat pants and stuff. 

"my body hurt," Ty'sia exclaims.

"Mine do too," Tyleah and i cry out. we all get in our cars and ride to the house. When we got in there Ron was sitting on the couch.

"Can I talk to you for a minute," he says to me. 

"we'll be upstairs," Ty'sia says as her and Tyleah make there way upstairs.

"I'm sorry I really am and I know sorry not going to fix everything but I hate seeing you cry I seeing you give another guy your number or your attention in general," he says and i didn't know what to say back I was speechless.

"I don't like cheating," I say to him.

"I know and ill fix that," when he said that we heard a big boom from the steps.

"I'm okay," Tyleah says as she come down stairs rubbing her side with one hand and in the other was a a bag. I laughed a little and she shoots me a glare.

"How you fall," i finally  get out.

"bitch your hot breath kicked me in my leg and made me fall," she still wasn't laughing which made it even funnier "ard y'all I'm leaving, where everybody at?" i ask

"Ty took them to chucky cheese," Ron said and i nod.

"toodles noodles" she says as she shut the door. Ron and I finish talking and we worked stuff out.

****Tyleah Pov****


open the door -me

ard -Jaylen

I walk on to the porch and he opens the door. I hear rap music playing. I walked into the living room and saw this little girl sitting there.

"Hi," she says to me and gives me a smile.

"hi," i say as i sit next to her.

"whats your name," she says in a kid voice and she couldn't pronounce everything correctly but she got it out.

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