Going Home

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Day 471

We stayed on the small sandy path for a couple hours. It was peaceful for the most part. I enjoyed just being able to sit their and comfort Tom. Although it was for a horrible reason I wanted him to know that I wasn't going any where. Since sitting there for a couple hours we had shifted to different positions. I sat on the ground with my legs criss crossed. Tom had laid down on the trail with his head in my lap. I was gently playing with his soft brown hair. Twirling it with my fingers before slowly rubbing his forehead and temples.

I looked down at him. He seemed peaceful although I knew on the inside he was hurting and I couldn't do anything but be there. His eyes were closed while his left leg was stretched out and his right leg was bent allowing his right foot to lay flat against the sandy path. His hands were folded over top each other as they rested on his waste. I smiled slightly before leaning down and kissing his forehead. Despite being hurt I watched the smile spread across his lips. A perfect smile; at least to me.

And a perfect smile to me was all that mattered. His eyes opened and he tilted his head back a little more to the point his eyes were looking directly into mine. His perfect soft brown eyes. They were a dark brown but they held such a softness in them that made the brown such a soft brown. His hands uncrossed themselves and he signed slowly.

"Taking advantage of me while I try to rest love so rude."

Oh god damnit, that sent my cheeks into a pink mess. Yet I smiled none the less and silently laughed. I leaned down with a serious face but a smirk he'd never seen before. My eyes looked at his hands after feeling movement.

"What's that look for. I was joking! You know that right?"

His signing seemed a little faster like a panic and I just dropped the serious expression I had been trying to hold and silently laughed continuously. Nodding my head in a yes motion I could see his chest rise and fall in a soft sigh of relief. After my laughing fit I placed my forehead on his gently. After a moment I felt myself moving down. Eventually I found my lips connecting with his. If I had to compare it to a comic I'd totally call this a Mary Jane/ Spider-Man kiss. Although I think mine and Toms was so much better and real for obvious reasons. He was real, perfect, and adorable.

Toms hands found their way to cupping my cheeks pulling my head down closer to his. His head had slightly lifted off of my lap. After a moment I pulled my head up out of his heads reach. Smiling down at him my h/c hair fell over my shoulders. Tired of it falling out of my head band I reached up and took it off allowing my hair to fall freely. I smiled signing to him slowly.

"Are you ready to go or do you want to wait awhile longer?"

Tom sighed softly before slowly sitting up. He took a glance back towards the couples bodies before looking back to me. Nodding slowly he stood up and held out his hands to help me up. Smiling I took his hands and stood up easily.

"I think it's time we get you home."

At his words I felt my heart break a little and I knew my smile dropped. I looked at him and signed more quickly then before.

"Tom I want you to live with me. I love you and I don't want anything to happen to you."

Realizing what I had just said my ears heated up. I can guarantee that my ears looked like Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeers nose on Christmas night. Although looking at Tom his cheeks were the exact same. I thought I said the wrong thing when I felt his arms snake around my waist and pull me to his chest. His right arm retracted and his thumb and index finger gently grabbed my chin making me look up at him. That's when I felt our lips connect once again and I just melted into his touch and kiss.

After awhile Tom pulled away and signed to me with a genuine smile that made my heart flutter.

"I love you too y/n"

Smiling like a child that just got the newest toy I signed back to him.

"Then your going home with me, meeting my family and staying because I'm not losing you."

Tom smiled lacing my left hand in his right hand. I held his hand happily and began leading him towards home. It was going to be weird going back especially for disappearing for a night and day. I looked to the sky. Yeah it would be a night and day by the time we get to the house. That's okay with me all though I wasn't sure about how I felt walking around in the dark. Then I realized we didn't have a flashlight.

For once I was glad dad had put the lights around the property. I've always thought it was just a waist of our generator.

The walk was quiet, just like everything else, but it felt good to have someone walking beside me. It didn't feel as lonely or quiet if that made sense. At that thought my eyebrows furrowed together. Stuck in my thoughts I hadn't realized how much time had passed. It was already almost dark.

I turned to Tom and looked at him nervously. Pulling my hand from his I signed.

"You wouldn't happen to have a flashlight with you, would you?"

Tom smiled and reached backwards grabbing two small flashlights from the cup holder in his bag. You know I hadn't even realized how hungry I was until I thought about the cup holder. I wasn't going to mention that we would get something to eat at the house.

As I turned around I was about to turn on my flashlight when my heart stopped. Standing on top of the small hill we looked over the farm land and the lights dad had placed around the property was turned a unsettling red.

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