Chapter 7 - "The Hot Day Madness"

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It was several days before Christmas when Cara decided to walk in the classroom only to find Yami and the gang half asleep near a fan as they were trying to cool down after the hot weather that suddenly hit their part of town
Cara: *frowns*
Joey sees her and waves her over while Yami slowly sits up and smiles softly while using a notebook to fan his face
Cara: *walks over*
Tea: Hey Cara
Mai: Welcome to the furnace dear
Cara: It's really that hot?
Yugi: You don't feet it?
Tristan: We all feel like melting on the floor in here
Cara: I'm kinda ignoring the heat.
Joey: Really? How?
Cara: Well, I'm not thinking about it.
Yami smiles at that before patting his lap in motion for Cara to come to him
Cara: *goes to him*
Yami smirks as he pulls her in his lap and hugs her tightly around the waist before hiding his nose in her neck, loving every second of having her there with him

Cara: *blushes*

Yami: Hey, how was your day so far? *asks as he kisses her neck as his grip tightens on her*

Cara: *bites her lip* F-fine.

Yami: Is there a chance your dad will let you stay one more night at my place? *asks as he kisses her cheeks as well as her nose*

Cara: I'm sure I can talk him into it.

Yami: YESSSSSSSSS *yells out before covering his mouth hoping no one hear him out the room*

Cara: *giggles*

Joey: God going Yami
Tristan: He's right. I wonder who else managed to hear you exept us that is *jokes and winks playfully*

Cara: *hugs Yami*

Yami waves them off as he hugs Cara back before pressing his lips again her own

Cara: *kisses back*

Yami : I love you baby girl

Cara: I love you too.

Joey: Does anyone have any ideas what we should do today?
Yugi: Not anymore. I was going to duel Kaiba but he said he had to be crazy to go out in this weather

That's when the said male makes his way to them in a t-shit and shorts before putting ice cream boxes before them
Joey: What's this for rick boy?
Seto: Yami send an SOS signal and even tho I know what a Drama Queen he can be, I decided I don't want to drag him dead to his apartment

Cara: Hi dad.

Seto: Helly baby girl. Do you mind if I steal you from your boyfriend for a bit?

Cara: *kisses Yami before looking back at her dad* Sure.

Seto smiles as he sits down and Yami moves Cara in Seto's lap as he reaches for an ice cream box

Cara: *looks at her dad*

Seto: What is it baby girl? *asks as he kisses her head*

Cara: Well, can stay the night with Yami again tonight? *looks at him with puppy eyes*

Seto: You can spend 2 weeks with him because I will be going out of the country and I will be taking Yugi since Mokuba has exams

Cara: Oh.

Yugi: And we are going to go where exactly?
Seto: The Bahamas

Cara: *hugs her dad*

Seto: On second thought maybe I should call in the principal and take all of you there

Cara: *gets excited*

Yami: If you do it I will burn all my homework in the fireplace and start packing as soon as I get home

Cara: *laughs*

Seto: Go ahead then because I am taking Cara home right now, to pack our bags

Cara: *kisses Yami real quick*

Soon after which the gang sprints out of the room leaving only a laughing Seto and Cara in it

Cara: *looks at her dad*

Seto smiles and looks back at her ready to hear whatever she wants to tell him

Cara: Should we get going too?

Seto: Don't you want some ice cream first?

Cara: *looks at the leftover, probably melted, ice cream*

Seto motions to her favorite one which looks like it hasn't moved since he brought it

Cara: *grabs it*

Seto chuckles before grabbing his own
Seto: Cheers my love

Cara: *giggles* Cheers.

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