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"Chief, we have a body here!"

Matt was the first to kneel on the floor and breathed a sigh of relief that it wasn't one of his friends.

"We hafta find those two!" Otis shouted, looking around for help.

"Fire Department ... call out. Dean! Cas!"

Again and again, the three firefighters shouted, listening intently to every sound.

But nothing was heard except for a few small explosions from the chemicals and falling beams. The situation became critical, and Chief Boden looked anxiously at the burning building, struggling with himself. He had to get his men out and extinguish it. Otherwise, all would be lost.

"Water's coming in two minutes. Get out!"

Everyone knew what that radio message meant. Water and heat would result in all being cooked in minutes.


Kelly didn't think twice but shook his head firmly. No, he wasn't going to give up, and he knew his team was behind him 100 percent.

"Shout. Scream your heart out. We hafta find them both!"

Cas looked at Dean's burned hand and knew what that meant. It was over.

"I'm sorry ..." the policeman sobbed, "... I'm sorry for dragging you all into this."

A helpless shrug because he didn't know what to say and sank weakly onto the stairs.

"It's okay," Cas replied and leaned against him, grabbing his boyfriend's hands, which had wrapped around his upper body.

"I love you."

These whispered and honest words caused goosebumps on Cas' body despite the heat, and these words were returned with a smile.

Burning parts kept falling, and it was smoking and hot as hell. The air grew ever scarcer, the eyes ever heavier; it was dead-end, and both had resigned themselves to fate, trapped on the stairs amid fire crackling everywhere. The two young men crouched on the steps, hugging tightly and pressing their cheeks together. On the one hand, it was scary, but on the other, it was also calming.

Not a death to wish for, but who could choose ...


"Do you hear that?"

Cas sat up wide awake in one fell swoop because he'd heard voices.

"Hm ... you're hallucinating," Dean replied dully, his head on Cas' back, his eyes closed.

"No. Dean! Wake up!"

When he raised his head and had the same hallucinations, the adrenaline was back in no time, and he made himself known by screaming. Again and again.

"We have them. Cas is shot. We're coming out now", Casey said, relieved over the radio and smiled.

Then everything happened very quickly. Too fast for the two weak men.

The chief breathed a sigh of relief as his entire crew emerged from the smoke. Not a second too soon.

A few days passed.

With a kiss and a little plush angel as a gift, Dean greeted his wounded boyfriend at the hospital.

When Cas beamed at him with his sky-blue eyes, the policeman fell in love again. Relieved that it was all over, he hugged him tightly, until the black-haired man cried out.

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