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The next week, Dawn had called William and asked him to put on something nice, the only thing she told him was that he had to be at their holpuse at 5 o'clock. She didn't tell him why. William headed over to the Summers house at 4:45 just to be safe since he wasn't sure what was going on. Back when the whole thing with Angel had happened the girls had added a ramp off their front porch. So, he went up the ramp and then knocked on the front door. Like he expected Dawn opened the front door.

"Are you going to tell me why I got all dressed up to come over here?"

"Well hello to you too."

William entered the house and looked at Dawn. Dawn handed him an envelope. On the front were the words, told you I'd do it if you didn't. William looked at her.

"Can I open it or are you going to make me wait."

"I'm going to make you wait. Buffy are you done yet?!?!"

Dawn yelled up the stairs. Buffy looked down from the top of the stairs.

"Jeez, yes what's so important, that I had to get dress-"

She stopped when she saw William.

"Okay, now I think I have a pretty good idea."

Buffy came down the stairs dressed in a floor length pale blue dress. Her hair was done up in a braid.

"Wow. You look amazing."

"You don't look to bad yourself. Did Dawn tell you why she got us all dressed up?"

"No, but she did give me this."

William handed her the envelope and she read the words on the front.

"Dawn something tells me you took my love life in your own hands."

"Hey, I'm only helping you out besides you'll thank me later."

Buffy opened the envelope to find a note with a restaurant reservation on it.

"You made us dinner reservations?"

"Yup. It's a restaurant on L.A. that I've heard is nice so if you wanna make it you'll have to leave now."

"Okay, you know the rules when your home alone."

"Yeah, yeah go."


Buffy turned to William.

"Are you fine if we take my car?"

"Yeah that's fine."

They both said goodnight to Dawn since it would be late when they got back and headed out to the car. William had insisted on opening the car door for her, yes, she was the one who was driving but that didn't mean he couldn't still be a gentleman. He got into the passenger side after, he stored his wheelchair. Buffy entered the restaurant into the GPS and started to car.

"I wasn't sure what I was expecting."

"What do you mean?"

"Well when I got a call telling me to wear something fancy, I wasn't sure what to think."

"We don't have to go through with this if you don't want to."

"Buffy, of course I do."

"Good, because I'm looking forward to this."

The made William smile.

"I haven't had a normal date in a while."

"Neither have I luv."

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