Chapter 9

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"Get away from that man!" She demanded, harshly dragging me towards her.

"Hey hey hey, listen lady, I'm not the bad guy here," Dean chuckled as he held his hands up.

"You're a murderer. And you kidnapped my daughter!"

"That's not true, I chose to go with him," I said as I released myself from her grasp.

She suddenly pointed at the bag on the floor, "You're...leaving?"

I gave her a small nod.


"Cause I'm happy with Dean. My life finally means something."

"And it didn't before?"

"I'm sorry," I whispered as I brushed past her with my bag in hand.

When we got back to the Impala, we sat in complete silence.

"I feel horrible. Why do I always have to let everyone down?" I said quietly.

"If it helps, I know what it's like, to feel like you've let everyone down. I've been letting people down my whole life."

"Thank you," I smiled.

"For what?"

"For being here. For everything I guess."


"So, have you got anything on Azazel?" I asked.

"Nothing. It's just like he dropped off the face of the Earth."

"We'll get him," I said, in an attempt to reassure him.

"Yeah," he said hopelessly.


Two days later...

"Dean, I think I've got something!"

"Go on," he urged.

"Well, Azazel killed your Mom when Sam was a few months old, right?"

He nodded slowly, "Right."

"Well there's been a number of disappearances in some nearby towns."


"So they all died around the same time as your Mom, and, they all had a son around the same age as Sam was."

"So, where are we headed then?"

I handed him a map full of crosses and circles, "You'll need this."


Dean cranked up the music once again as we drove along the dark and lonely road. We were heading towards a small town in Oklahoma.

"Okay, so we should be there by daylight," Dean said groggily.

"Don't you think we should stop at a motel or something?" I suggested, noticing the tired expression on his face.

"Um yeah sure, good idea."

We continued driving along the road until we reached a motel. When we got inside, there was a single set of wooden drawers and a large double bed in the middle of the fairly small room. I didn't mind sharing a bed. It just felt a bit strange to be sharing a bed with someone.

I stared into the darkness thinking about what tomorrow might bring. I actually felt a feeling of excitement course through my body. Once my mind had finally gone quiet, I closed my eyes and waited to fall asleep.


The next day...

"Are we there yet?" I whined.

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