The Beginning of the end

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Jagged streaks of sizzling blue lightening ripped through the blackened night sky. Dark, angry clouds shot icy cold bullets of rain at the muddy, leaf covered forest floor. She ran breathlessy deaperately tying to get away from the institution as quickly as possible, the terrifying memory of the painful tingling of the electrocution that each innocent individual suffered through every night before bed and the sting of the thick horse whip that caused large red welts to form on her delicate skin, fueled her already heightened determination to get away from there as quickly as possible.

Long, tangled, obsidian locks flew out behind her like a curtain of shadows as her electric blue eyes shone in the unsettling ebony blanket of midnight, a strange feeling of hope swelled up somewhere in the cold, black hollow that was her heart.

Maybe, just maybe she could get away. Maybe she could be normal. Maybe her past would become a distant nightmare.

Just maybe.

That feeling suddenly vanished like the flame of a candle that had been blown out by the harsh September wind, as soon as she heard the boisterous shouting of her pursuers.

No, no, no no!

She couldn't be caught, that meant punishment, solitary confinement in the tiny outside latrine with no food, light or fresh air, and ontop of that, a doubled dose of electrocution and the other sick torturing methods of the overly sadistic 'changers' . Frightened, she ran harder, her small feet slapping painfully against the uneven forest floor.

One minute she was Usain Bolting away from her worst nightmare and the next she was sliding along the slippery forest floor with one bruised leg in the air, like an oh-so graceful drunken ballerina who was high on crack, towards an unappealing cliff edge.

She shrieked loudly and grasped at a nearby tree, just in time to save herself from her pending death. She drew in long heavy breaths and scooted away from the edge of the cliff.

Her pursuers drew closer.

She was caught between a rock and a hard place.


She banged her aching head against the ground battling internally between her two options; call batman or just sit there and wait to be dragged to her detriment.

Neither suited her state of mind.

Finally, she settled on one more practical options and crouched behind a large fuzzy bush near the cliff edge.

Her pursuers arrived a few seconds later yelling her identification number and threats of a horrible punishment. Still she kept silent, praying they wouldn't find her.
When vulgar search party seemed to have left, she stood up stretching her aching back muscles.

"Seems I found you, number 1681" One pursuer sneered, he had stayed back in hopes of having a smoke break as the rain had long since ceased.

The girl froze.

She whipped her head around to face the man who spoke, eyes wide with fear. He chuckled a deep unnerving chuckle that chilled her to her bones. She panicked and on instinct brought one leg up and kicked him square in the face, before turning around to her only escape route.

The cliff.

She closed her eyes and the next thing she new, she'd changed from Jackie Chan to Tinkerbell in less than fifteen seconds.

For a split second during her fall, she felt free, and at a butterfly. But then she realized that while she was free, the inevitable waited patiently for her at the cliff's base, instead of panicking and wailing over something already done, she embraced the feeling of flight and closed her tired eyes once again.

She crashed to the rock covered ground, and lay there unmoving, seemingly asleep. Out of the darkness a man cloaked in shadows, death and nightmares, emerged, picked up her lifeless form and vanished once more.


♡Hey guys! I really do hope you'll like the prologue, this is my first actual book that I've decided to run with so please please please leave feed back....and maybe a cookie or two....just saying. Just lemme know what you think.♡

P.S: The pic is of the one and only saxified Kellan Lutz playing Death.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2015 ⏰

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