Chapter 1 Intro

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Before you read I want to let you know this is my first time writing a story.

readers p.o.v.
riiiiiiing riiiiiiiing riiii- *slam* ugh as I slam my alarm clock off I prepare myself for another boring day in school. after brushing my teeth and eating eggs with toast, after I was done I headed out of my house,and started walking towards school. hey (y/n)! Hearing someone shout-out my name I immeadetly turn my head to the source of the voice, and sure enough that voice belong to issei *sigh* what do you want issei?

Aw come on don't be like that can't I walk with my best bud, he said while smiling.

I raised my eyebrow while looking at him "since when where we friends" I asked.Issei just brushed off my question. Come on (y/n) we better hurry before school starts he yells as he starts runing towards school. Doesn't matter how much I try and push him away he still wants to be my friend, that stuborness is going to be the death of him. Oh well what can I do its not like I dislike his company completly *smiles* I started running to catch up with issei "wait for me" I yell at him.

Time Skip


Me and issei barely made it to class on time were both panting. "Close call there" issei said. Yeah close one I was still panting a bit, it wasn't long till issei's buddies drag issei to their desk talking about god knows what. As I was heading to my desk to sit and wait for class to start issei and his buddies come towards my desk, I looked at then with a eyebrow raised something you guys need? "Yeah why do all the hot moma's not hate your dumb ass" motohama asked."Yeah why don't they look at you the way they look at us" screamed matsuda.

'Great just what I need motohama and matsuda bugging me ' I thought. you want to know why the girls look at me different from you guys, both of them nodded "the answer is simple really I don't look at them as if they went sex objects" I tell them while glaring at them.

I could hear the whispering of the girls in the classroom cheering me for putting motohama and and matsuda in their place. Both of them where shocked by my answer but they know I was right and they didn't have any comeback, they decided to go sit in their desk not wanting to be further embarrassed themselves. I could see issei trying not to laugh that his friends where put on the spot, and embarrassed infront of everyone in class. Soon the teacher walks in "okay class grab your books and turn to page 76" he said. "Where did we leave off on...

I tuned the teacher out I pretended to be paying attention we where learning english. I didn't need to pay attention as much, I used to live in the U.S. before coming here with my parents.

time skip


That signaled the start of lunch I decided to head outside to enjoy my lunch there was a nice tree with a nice shade next to a old building. If I remember correctly the building is used by a club, but I can't remember wich one. It's not like it was important now , siting down while having my back against the tree as I was eating my sandwich enjoying the the peace and quiet. "Come back here you perverts!" I hear a girl from the kendo club scream. As she was chasing the perverted trio I shake my head of the situation there in. No matter how many time the kendo club punish them they still keep on doing it.

'So much for a relaxing nap' I thought.Hearing a window opening above me I immediately looked up, right there stood a beautiful girl with a mature body and red hair darker than any read hair I've ever seen.
Mesmerized by her beauty I couldn't help but stare at her.
While I was staring at her I did not noticed issei and his buddies where walking to where I was. "Did you see that honey? Her sugar is got to be sweet!" Exclaimed matsuda
"What the!" I exclaim loudly from being spooked by them. I calmed myself down

"What is it about red hair" said issei with a faint blush and a smile on his face

"Do you know who that girl is?" I asked them

Motohama proceeded to chuckle while fixing his glasses
"Her name is Rias Gremory shes from Northern Europe her sizes are thirt-"
I cut him off " I asked for her name not her breast size dammit!" I yelled at him with a blush spread across my face

As we where arguing we didn't notice rias leave the window.

*Scene Change inside the old building*

P.O.V Change Rias

I walked away from the window and headed to the sofa next to it was small table where I was playing chess with Akeno.

I turn to Akeno "who where those two boys?" I asked Akeno "what two boys?" She replied
"the one in the middle and the other one by the tree" I told Akeno.

"If i remember correctly the one with brown hair is Issei hyoudou, and the one with (H/C) is (y/n) (l/n) both in class 2-B and are in second year I think." said Akeno

"why what makes you ask about them?" asked Akeno. "Oh nothing I Just wonder if you knew who they where thats all"I told Akeno.

"Oh" I said as I moved the pawn peice on the board. "checkmate" I said to Akeno as I started to get up from the sofa.

"aww" said Akeno. "your trap was very easy to see through" I tell Akeno as I started to take of my school vest.
"Sorry I did my best to make it harder on you"replied Akeno.

'thanks I look forward for next time" I told Akeno as I proceeded to take off the rest clothes and hop in the shower.

*Scene Change bridge Reader's P.O.V *

Im walking with issei as we stop on the bridge he stares out "ughh being a teenager is the worst, at this rate jerking off to porn is the closes i'll get to doing it before I get to colle-" I cut him off "seriously dude I don't need that image in my head" I yell at him with a disgusted look on my face.

"I'll probably still be a virgin when im in college and die alone" said issei in a somber tone while he puts his head on the railing.
I roll my eyes to what he said "come on man cheer up soon you'll get a girlfriend" I told him with a smile of my face. "If you stop being a pervert that is" I whispered under my breath.

Footstep can be heard behind us "um excuse me"
me and issei both turn around to see a girl with black hair look at us.
"your issei hyoudou from kouh academy right, or am I wrong?" she asked as she looked at me.

I smiled at her "sorry but issei hyoudou is my friend over there" I said as I pointed to issei who lifted his head from the railing.

seeing as she has a blush in her face and she's fidgeting I decided to leave these two alone, hoping issei Actually gets a girlfriend and his perverted tendencies stop. Who am I kidding this is issei where talking about, he'll probably be even more perverted if she actually asks him out and start dating.

*cough* *cough* "it's getting late i'll see you tomorow issei I have to head home already" I say as I start walking away. when I get near enough to him I tell him "tell me what happens tomorrow in school" I whispered to him.

Small Time Skip

As I arrive to my house I proceeded to take a bath,afterwards I made a light dinner before starting on my homework. I finish my home after a few hours as I turn to my clock the time read 11:30. "I'ts getting late should probably turn in for the night." I say as I got up from my desk and strech my back, changing to more comfortable clothes I hop in my bed. lets see whats in store tomorrow" I say to myself as I let sleep overcome my body.

Tell me what you think about it so far
and hope you all have a great day

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2019 ⏰

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