Chapter eleven

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Taehyung pov

             "Jungkook?" My brother asked when he saw who the strange man that walked through the door was.

"Oh, hey Jin." The boy spoke back, his voice sounding familiar, but I didn't know why. Closing the door behind him before awkwardly standing in the corner of the room.

"Well don't just stand there, come here." Jin said waving the shy looking boy over. He looked up cautiously from his feet briefly locking eyes with me before shuffling over.

He was extremely handsome. A sharp jawline that could kill. His black silky looking hair styled perfectly. His sloped button nose just above his thin lips. A small beauty mark underneath his lower lip. His doe brown eyes captivating, but a obvious cold look within them though. His buff body surrounded by a dark jeans and shirt.

"Hi, I'm Taehyung." I said politely sticking out my hand for him to shake.

"I know." He said, his eyes widening before he attempted to correct himself. "I—I don't mean i-it in a weird creepy way. I umm..."

                     "It's okay." I said giggling at his shyness though he looked so tough and confident.

                      "Taehyung, while you were out in your coma Jungkook watched over you." Jin said, getting up from his chair and patting Jungkook on the shoulders. Which I saw him slightly flinch at, but he collected himself up very quickly that if I had blinked I would have missed him.

                 "I'm going to get some coffee, Tae, Jungkook, do you want anything?" Jin asked as he moved to the door.

                   "If you can find me anything better than this hospital food then, hell yes!" I laughed.

                   "Don't think I can help you there. Kook? You want something?" The raven just shook his head and politely thanking him for the offer. "Well I'll be back"

                      Then Jin opened the door an left, leaving me and this mysterious boy alone. The poor boy looked so nervous and awkward.

"So you um—"

"How are yo—"

We both laughed slightly at the fact of how we started talking at the same time.

"So you watched over me while I was out?" I asked, moving the hospital blanket off my body so I could sit over the side and properly face the boy.

"Yeah, this community service stuff." Jungkook said, nervously scratching the back of his neck.

"Really? No offense, but you don't look like someone who participates in community service." I said snickering a bit. I moved my hand towards the walker behind Jungkook, motioning for him to hand it over.

"I have to use this till my leg strength is back." Jungkook just nodded moving the walker to me me.

"Oh and to answer what you said before, no one ever said I did the service willingly." He said holding the walker steady, while I stood up clutching onto the thin metal.

"What do you mean?" I asked finally steady on the walker.

"It means, I beat a kids ass at school. Instead of them pressing charges I had to take part in community service work." Jungkook said, walking over to the door and holding it open, so I could shuffle out.

"Oh." I hummed not really knowing how else to respond.

                      "Yeah, so like could you hear anything when you were out? Or like is it you feel asleep and woke up?" Jungkook questioned as we walked down the hallway, well more so I shuffled down.

                      "It kinda feels like I feel asleep and woke up, but there are things that are familiar that weren't before." I said as I struggled to push the stupid walker down the hall

                       "What do you mean?"

                       "Like your voice, I feel like I've heard it before, but I've never seen you before until now." I said shuffling around the corner.

                      "Well maybe you could hear then. Cause I used to talk to you a lot when you were out." Jungkook said as we continued through the lobby. Other patients in intensive physical therapy also in here.

                    "Yeah that makes sense, I wonder if I was in like a dream like state, but I could hear things around me." I said laughing as I shuffled over to a bench to sit.

                     "It'd be nice, escape reality." Jungkook said as he stood in front of me hands shoved in his pockets.

"I guess if your reality sucks, but mines pretty good. A few spats here and there, but other than that good." I mumbled on. A talent I have, to talk and not know when to stop.

"Yeah, life's great." I heard Jungkook mutter sarcastically.

I looked up at the boy and noticed a small look of hurt wash over his face, as he looked off at the corner of the room. I realized I must have struck a nerve and I felt awful. Though I also feel as if I should have know better. Like I knew that he had family issues, and things. Wait? How do I know he has issues?

It must just be, because of the way he reacted to how I talked about my life. Yeah that's it I'm just making assumptions. Shaking I lifted myself back onto my walker with the help of Jungkook's warm hand on my hip, and under arm. small shivers running through my body at his touch.

"Thanks, we better get back to the room I bet Jin is looking for us." I said pushing away back to the room, Jungkook walking slightly behind me Incase I need support.

"Sorry for early, you seemed hurt by what I said. I didn't mean to make you feel upset. I know not everyone has the best life." I whispered when we neared the door, still feeling ashamed of my earlier words.

"Don't worry about." He mumbled while opening the door. Holding it wide so I could shuffle in.

"Ah! There you two are!" Jin called when we both got into the room. "I went and got my coffee and when I came back, you were gone."

"Sorry Hyung. I figured I would go ahead and do my exercises." I said sitting back down into my bed, with the help of Jin.

"No worries, I brought so ice cream. Though it's half melted now." Jin said handing me a glass bowl with the cold substance inside it.

"Thank you." I smiled taking the cold bowl into my hands.

"I think I'm gonna go. It's good to see that you're up Taehyung, goodbye Jin." Jungkook said as he made his way to the door.

"Wait!" I called before he could leave the room, "Please come back and visit."

With a slight nod of his head Jungkook opened the door and walked out, leaving me alone with my brother. I began to eat my cold meal as I flipped through the channels deep in thought.

All of my thinking about Jungkook. And how much of a mystery he seemed to be. A mystery I wanted to solve.


This is the first chapter I've done in awhile and I'm sorry! I don't know when there will be more chapters on my other books I'm losing inspiration.

In the meantime while you're waiting for updates you can check out my completed book "Enemy?||TaeKook" or my book "Tutoring||Taekook" it's not finished but it has a lot of chapters.

My one shot book is also available to read if you want!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2019 ⏰

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