20 things about me

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Hello people!

So I've been tagged by a pretty friend of mine @akira_summers and I've to continue the chain. And it's pretty fun too!

This is what you gotta do if someone tags you-

Write a story containing 20 facts about yourself, dedicate your story to the person who tagged you.

And nominate a handful of people in the comments section to do the same.


1. I'm a seventeen year old girl.

2. I'm a very shy and silent person until I open up to people but once I do you'll keep wondering if I'm the same person. ;)

3. I've spent ELEVEN years of school life in a girls school! (No wonder I'm shy and awkward around guys)

4. My list of crushes goes on and on and on, it mainly consists celebrities and fictional characters.

5. I love cats! Preferably kittens! They're soo cute!

6. I hate stories with sad endings but still end up reading one and then bawl my eyes out crying in a corner! :(

7. I have a very pervy mind! I manage to find a double meaning of most of the sentences! ;)

8. I'm a hopeless romantic but I've not fallen in love yet.

9. I've never been on a date.

10. I trust people very quick. And end up heartbroken when they break my trust ( which is most of the time)

11. I want to travel the world with someone special ;)

12. I want to be reckless atleast once in my life like get wasted, get a tattoo etc... ( My mom will have a heartattack if she finds out about this! :p)

13. I'm very good in masking my emotions and pretending I'm happy most of the time

14. I want guy best friend. I hope I get one soon.

15. I love reading books ( duh! that's the reason I'm here on wattpad isn't it?) Hand me good book and I get so absorbed in it that I don't think I will notice if there was an earthquake!

16. I'm in a long term relationship with my bed and pillow.

17. I don't like taking my pictures I don't even know why *shrugs* and thats one of the reasons why I sück at taking selfies!

18. I would die of happiness if a guy dedicated ' All of me' by John legend or ' Little things' by one direction to me. *grins wide*

19. I find guys with good sense of style more attractive than good-looking ones. I don't know there's just something séxy about well dressed guys! But if the guy is well dressed and good looking? well, that's even better right? ;)

20. I want to enjoy life as much as possible, find my dream guy, fulfill my dreams and much much more, so that one day I can tell my grandchildren what an amazing life their grandma had! :)

So these are some facts about me hope they weren't as boring as I think they are!

So I'm gonna tag





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