- 06 ∘ my treasure

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WHEN KALISTA WAS younger, she yearned to know about her family. She remembered constantly asking Molly and Arthur about her parents, grilling them about their past and who they were. But every time she asked they would always disregard the questions. So, Kalista would wait a while before asking again, always hoping that she would get the answer she wanted, though always knowing she wouldn't be getting it.

At some point, Kalista just gave up asking — she stopped hoping that there was even a chance that she would ever know about her family, and the dreams she had dreamt of a happy family soon stopped.

Right before she began her first year at Hogwarts, Molly and Arthur finally sat down with her and told her about her parents. The words murderer, death, Voldemort loomed around in her mind as she tried to make sense of it all.

She wasn't expecting that at all.

And so when students at Hogwarts asked her about her parents, it was her turn to disregard the questions, putting them aside, locking away the key and throwing it away.

The cold autumn afternoon air nipped at Kalista's hands as she pulled down her sweater sleeves, trying to cover the exposed skin.

The four made their way to the library hoping to get some late afternoon studying in. Of course, it was Hermione's idea to study — Ron and Harry took a while to convince.

And so there they were, currently sat together at a table nearest to the back of the library— Ron and Hermione on one side and Harry and Kalista on the other side.

Kalista watched as Harry intently wrote out his Defense Against the Dark Arts essay— stopping every so often to think about it and then he carried on writing.

Ron was secretly eating a chocolate frog, as Hermione pestered him to start his DADA essay.

"I'll be right back." Kalista said looking up at Ron and Hermione.

"Where are you going?" Harry asked in confusion looking up at her.

"Somewhere." Kalista took a moment before responding again. "I promise I'll be back soon, I just have to go do something." Kalista gave a faint smile before turning around and making her way out of the library.

"Where do you reckon she's going?" Ron asked, face full of chocolate.

"No idea, Ron." Harry responded, slumping back into his chair.

Kalista took her time walking down the corridors of Hogwarts; careful not to be spotted by a Professor or Prefect. On days like these, students would usually be in class, and many of the older years would be spending their time outside or in a study hall.

Kalista turned another corridor before being dragged back and into a corner.

The first thing Kalista thought was to get her wand out. With her wand in hand, Kalista looked up to be greeted by two pairs of glimmering brown eyes.

"Fred! George! Seriously, you guys gave me a fright." Kalista looked up at the two Weasley twins as she spoke.

Fred lowered the hand that held Kalista's wand as George began to speak.

"Shh, Kalista, the dementors might hear you." George said smirking lightly.

"W—why did you do that? You could have like — called my name?" Kalista responded looking back at the two.

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