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it's been.. a couple of days.

"i had no choice.."
sal told himself, tears running down his face.

did he really?

he stares at his hands, the hands he used to kill his own love.

what a monster-
he could have helped her.

how did it go so wrong?

Quiet sobbing fills the room, causing a blue haired male to wake up turning towards his fiancée.
her (e/c) eyes were red and puffy, her hands raised to her face.
he finally realized what's happening, and quickly wraps an arm around her shoulder, wiping her tears.
"sweet heart what's wrong?"

she looks over, her pitiful state tugging at the mans heart.
"i.. i had a nightmare."
she chokes out between sobs.
"i.. you.. you"
she places a hand over her mouth, letting out a loud wimpier.
"you killed everyone.."
sal freezes, quickly bringing her close and placing a kiss on her temple.
"oh (y/n).. i would never hurt anyone, i promise.."
the woman clings onto sals shirt, sobbing harder.
"i know! i just don't know why my brain would give me these awful dreams"

Sal rubs her back lightly, kissing her again, on the head.

"it's okay Darling, it was just a dream. would you like some tea?"

".. yes. thank you sweetie."
sal nods, standing up.
he worries for his love, and her recent nightmares.

three adults sit around in a small pile, watching a horror movie that recently came out.

both Larry and (y/n) had fallen asleep, but sal was still awake.

(y/n) had had more dreams about him. she told in full detail how he would kill everyone in the apartments. the worst though, was how hurt she looked, her raw emotion. she never told him what happened when he got to her. and he was beginning to worry heavily for his love.

she was shakier,
emotional even.

he stared at the sleeping girls face, gently rubbing her cheek.

for a second, everything goes black-

he is staring at todd, his eyes beet red.

"w-what happened?"

when he speaks, he chokes on blood.
the crimson liquid spills out of his mouth, the sickingly iron taste making him gag and cough, spluttering blood all over the floor.

in front of him, his father, a large part of his temple ripped open, blood painting the mans face.

"why.. why??"

then lisa appears, just as bloody as her husband.

"it was so painful, you know."
sal starts sobbing, looking down at his hands, now carrying a knife.

then soda appears, her head hanging behind her, neck attached by a string.

the chug, mr & mrs morrison, hell the whole apartment appeared, each bloodier than the last.

but then, (y/n) walks out from behind everyone.
oh god..
what.. what did he do-

"Sal? Sal, Sweetie you are crying."

(Y/n) stares down at him, holding his body gently.

Sal only tightly hugs the girl.

"i love you.."

Larry is dead.

it came out of nowhere, he had freshly come back after catching up with his old friend, Ashley.

and he got that text.
then he found the note.

he was absolutely destroyed.
he spent most of his teenage years and so on with Larry.
he was his best friend, his brother.

and now he's gone.

sal was devastated, so was (y/n). but he knows why Larry killed him self.
the red demon was back, and he needed to strike fast.
but.. where is (y/n)?

Sal stands in front of room 403,
the door slightly ajar.
it smells like strawberry pie,
the girl gently humming to herself.

everyone was affected.. he has to..

"hm? sal is that you?"

the girl slowly turns, oven mitts still on.

she freezes, staring at the mans bloody appearance.

"Sal.. what did you do?"

he tries not to cry..
everyone was affected.

he steps forward.

"sal.. sal no.."

she starts muttering to herself, eyes wide with fear.

sal steps again.
she steps backward.

"please, sweetheart, don't do this!"
her back hits the wall,
she starts sobbing.

"Sal, sweetheart please, don't hurt me please!"

he stares down at his wife.

she slides down onto her knees and curls up into a tight ball.

her loud sobs cause him to start crying too.

"i-.. i'm so sorry... (y/n)"

he raises he knife, and stabs it right into her spine, a loud scream emitting from her throat.

she starts sobbing violently, coughing blood.

"i love you.."

he stabs again...
and again..
and again.

there lie the woman's body, eyes eternally wide, staring into absolute nothing.

sal takes off his mask, tears and snot freely running down his face, the un-scarred pieces of skin turning red from his violent emotions.

he had to do this...

when he walks out of the room, he meets his ghostly brother, strapping his mask back to his face.
"she wasn't affected."


"she wasn't affected."

larry's stonefaced, staring right into the boys soul.

"w.. what? no. everyone was affected- she had to be-"

"she wasn't, sal.."

he drops to his knees.
how.. how could he?

she died a painful death, a fate she was never deserving of..

she saw this before it happened- she didn't leave, she trusted him..

what did he do?!

now here he sit, in this cold stone cell, off of his meds and severely in mourn, for his soon to be wife. her life taken too soon-
taken by the one she loved.

he was a monster- and he knows he deserves whatever he gets.
he used to hope that he would die slowly,
yet now, he just wants to get it over with.

sal stares at the spoon on his food tray.

he slowly picks up the utensil, turning the blunt end toward his neck,

and the last thing he feels is, pain and absolute depression.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2019 ⏰

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