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It was dark out. I had a crude leather bag over my shoulder and a hood to hide my face. I looked back and forth as I hid behind a boulder, waiting for a chance to sneak past a border patrol. With a hesitant breath in I padded my way from the boulder to a leg of a watchtower. Not a second later I heard the creak of wood above me signaling there was a guard standing there. I berated myself for being so slow then turned to look for another hiding spot. I was counting the time before the guard moved when I became startled by a loud "You look like you need help."
Twisting around I saw a blonde man who stood above me with his arms crossed and a smirk playing his lips. After realizing he wasn't the guard I released the breath I'd been holding in.
"You nearly killed me," I whispered as I looked away from him to my next hiding spot.
"That might've been the point." He mumbled. "What are you doing?"
I glanced back at him for a moment. "Not sure it's your business."

After I counted another round I bolted for the closest tree. I made it safely and the man once again startled me. "I'm pretty sure it is."
"Why are you following me?" I said with a hand over my heart, trying to calm the beating.
He noticed my hand and smiled. "Didn't know you felt that way hun."
I rolled my eyes and let my hand fall to my side.
"You didn't answer me."
"The same could be said about you," He responded with an eyebrow raised.
"I'm trying to get into the city without being seen," I said, slightly annoyed. "Your turn."
"I'm following a young maiden clearly in need of help."
"I am not in need of help." I turned away from him and looked to my next target.
"Says the woman who hasn't noticed the patrol is gone."
"What?!" I flipped back and looked at the watchtower. The guard was indeed gone.
"What did you do?" I asked angrily.
"didn't do anything. His food did all the work." He mumbled and looked at the watchtower.
"Did you put sleeping powder in his meal?" I asked curiously.
The man shrugged his shoulders. He moved out of my hiding spot and walked toward the capital. "We'll never know."

I didn't know yet that we'd never be truly separated after that moment.

I walked slightly behind him as I wondered what had happened. It seemed ridiculous and too much of a coincidence that the blonde man showed up out of nowhere. I knew at that point he must have been hired to track me down or possibly kill me.

"So what is your name? I asked softly, following him to the capital.
He glanced down to me. "Does it matter?"
I shrugged. "I suppose not."

He eyed me a moment longer before returning his attention to the path in front of him, "My name is Tristan."
"It's nice to meet you, Tristan," I commented cheerfully. I hadn't heard of anyone infamous with that name. I still kept my guard up.
"What about you? What's your name?"
"Isolde," I smiled softly. I knew it was fake, but he sure didn't.
"Nice to meet you, Isolde." He said in a slightly sarcastic tone.

We walked the rest of the way in silence. It wasn't really uncomfortable, but it wasn't relaxing either. Not long after, we found the main gates of Avae, Southernmost kingdom known for its ale, women, and beautiful landscape. I followed him to the main street front before he turned to me.
"This is where I stop." He said. "I'll see you around."
"Wishful thinking, Tristan." I faked a smile and turned away.
I could feel his eyes boring into my back but didn't give in to the temptation of looking back, no matter how attractive he might've been.

After wandering around the town for a short period of time (and help from a few civilians) I found the place I was looking for. People in Avae gossiped and questioned how old this building really was. No one lived here and the nobles in charge of this land refuse to lease it to anyone. You can imagine why it was so mysterious to them. It wasn't so mysterious to me, however. I knew this building well. It first served as the home for a relative. It was worn down and old. No other building surrounded this one, as if a barrier kept anyone from building close. After a few moments of nostalgia, I headed inside. The wood creaked under my weight with each step. Cobwebs seemed to be the only furniture in the house besides a small table and the occasional chair. I wiped my fingers along the stone wall to my right as I walked upstairs. Memories flooded my mind from when I was a child. It felt too long ago. The fireplace in the main entry would've been lit and fresh hunt filling a larger table toward the back of the house. My relative and his wife were known for their cooking and meals at the time. Once I got to the top of the stairs, I turned into a doorway on my right. The room was once mine, and I knew it better than the rest. I decided not to let my memories get the best of me at this time and went directly to a far right corner of the room. I pulled out a lightly loose stone from the wall and inside was a small, marble, ring. I gave a sigh of relief as it was still there. I slipped the ring into the leather pouch on my back and sat against the wall near the hole. I closed my eyes and let my memories of the house flood my brain till I fell asleep.

I woke up and it was afternoon of the next day. I stretched, checked my bag for valuables and decided it was time to get moving. I returned the stone to the wall and left quicker than I came. I was about to leave the main gates as stealthily as I entered when I heard, "Hey, lady,".
I turned my head towards the speaking. It was a drunkard, smiling lazily and gesturing towards me. "How much?"
I ignored him with a disgusted face and continued walking. Not too long after I heard him say "Hey lady." again.
I was about to turn and punch him when I realized it was Tristan.
Tristan started to walk to me, a small smile on his face from teasing me. "What do you say we go for a drink before you leave?"
I arched an eyebrow in question. "Why would we?"
"To celebrate sneaking into Avae."
I rolled my eyes and turned to leave again.
I paused after hearing him say "My treat."

A Wolf Of A TimeWhere stories live. Discover now