Part I

40 6 19

1939, London.

The streets of London had seemingly been painted overnight with the same white posters. As far as the eye could see, pasted to every available inch of stone wall and posted on each call box were the same printed photographs.

Britons, Join your country's army! God save the king.

Tensions with Germany were at an all-time high, with newspapers having declared there to be little time until the English would officially declare war across the channel. The country was desperate, so much so that all capable young men were to be corralled out of their homes and into long lines that stretched for blocks. Required to sign away their lives to the British army and bring death and destruction to that great threat just a short boat ride away.

Louis, described as a child as the gentlest of young boys, wished he could be anywhere but in line that day. He'd just turned twenty-two when the announcement from parliament came. Now, instead of attending university, Louis found himself crowded into London's narrow alleys surrounded by hundreds of men, angry and hell-bent on enlisting into the army.

He clutched his tweed hat in his fists, trembling in fear, he dared not look at any of the other men. Instead, he kept his eyes on the cobblestone path, focusing too hard on the loose pebbles under his feet. He prayed for some kind of distraction to come and allow for him to run and hide, to escape the reality of his situation.

He listened intently to those around him as the other young boys bonded over their excitement at the opportunity to become men.

Louis sighed in disgust and kicked at a pebble before him as the line moved ever so slowly forward. He watched the tiny, grey stone as it curved through the feet of the mass of men standing before him, before coming to an abrupt halt in front of a grand, brass door across the alleyway.

He gasped in surprise. For as many times as he had walked through the alley on his way to the docks for work, he had never once seen this door.

The door, despite the London sky appearing dark and unforgiving, seemed illuminated. Flecks of warm gold flickering as if the hidden sun had come out and was beaming down on just that spot alone. The design on the door was more beautiful and grand than Louis had ever seen. A lion in mid roar had been carved into the middle, its teeth appearing so sharp Louis presumed he'd slice his finger if he traced the edges. Above the lion lay a crest of some sort, a shield divided into four equal sections, each with its own wild animal. Another lion, a mouse, a badger, and a fox, carved with such intricacy that Louis could hardly believe he was seeing such a sight in a tawdry alleyway.

Louis could not describe the feeling that stirred within the pit of his stomach, but he knew that for some reason, the door was calling to him.

He wiped his hands on his pleated trousers, as they had become damp with sweat. The line before him began to move forward and he once again felt the pang of his desperation to get away from this alleyway, from the line he was in. He jumped, frightened as the man behind him began to speak loudly to the man in front of him, the show of fright moving him a few steps closer to the strange brass entryway.

Cautiously, Louis glanced around himself. It seemed as though the young man was invisible, not a soul in line even looked his way.

Now is my chance, he thought, and in a quick, rushed motion, he crossed the alley and threw himself against the door. It creaked and groaned, fighting against his weight for a moment before giving a soft shudder and swinging open. Louis pushed the door closed behind him, leaning against it for a few moments in case someone tried to enter after him and force him back to his spot in line. However, he noticed almost immediately that the voices of men shouting could no longer be heard, not even if he strained his ears and held his breath. It seemed as if the men in the alleyway had ceased to exist.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2019 ⏰

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