A Foreword From The Author

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I apologize for how long this will be, but I wanted to go ahead and get this out there for you guys.

First and foremost, I genuinely and sincerely wish to thank everyone who has read, voted for and commented on this book so far. Without you, this book, would be nothing. Without any of your support -- I wouldn't have gotten this far. 

You guys are the best, and I owe so many of you a huge thank you. 

So here it is: Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

This book started over a year ago, and while I haven't been able to finish it just yet, I'm happy to announce that I will be finishing this book within this year -- whilst simultaneously starting on its sequel: The Executive. I also wish to apologize, for potentially leaving people hanging -- since last summer [which was my last update]. That was never my intention, and I firmly apologize to anyone who may have been inconvenienced or bothered by that. I also thank everyone, who has remained supportive since then and given me the space I needed -- in order to work out some hectic things I've had going on in my life. 

In the coming days, this book will be getting a face-lift of sorts... Along with a new chapter. In fact, I'm committed to publishing a new chapter every two weeks. Which is great news for everyone, because I know most of you are excited to see where this journey leads. 

Over the 2018 fandom awards season, here on Wattpad, I was blown away to discover that this book [within its first 5-6 chapters] was able to snag not one, not two -- but three awards here on Wattpad. The next time I enter this book for any other awards though, I'll be entering it as a finished product. 

This story, originally, started out as a one-shot. It wasn't until I had written the finishing lines, that I had decided to morph it into its own novel type of fanfiction [hence why the first chapter, is so long]. Over time, these characters have taken on a life of their own, and I'm so proud of the story that this is becoming. While The Assistant is a romance, it is also one that deals with a taboo element -- infidelity; and falling in love with someone at the worst possible time. It deals with the hard elements that come with love, and the point of the book -- is to show that not every love story fits into the "right and wrong" categories. I highly advise you to enter with caution, and for the love of God... Please don't say that I didn't warn you. 

This story is close to my heart for a plethora of reasons -- some of them, are personal in nature. Either way though, I thank you all for reading it nevertheless. While the fanfic will always remain a reader insert, I am privately being asked if I would potentially consider rewriting this story into an all-new original version -- with original characters, backgrounds, etc. I haven't decided on anything of that nature and I would like to finish the fanfic story first [and begin on its sequel The Executive] before I decide on where to go next. In the meantime, your votes, comments and readership will continue to provide me with valuable insight into what you like about this story and what needs extra work -- prior to me making any of those types of decisions in the future. 

In closing, outside of everything I've shared so far -- I hope this book resonates with some of you in a way you didn't think was possible. I hope that each of the characters, that I've introduced thus far, has left a lasting impression upon you [whether that's good or bad, is completely up to you as the reader]. 

I even wish to thank all the people who have left constructive reviews. The constructive, respectful reviews are just as valuable to me as the glowing ones. I appreciate the feedback, more than you'll ever know. Especially since everyone who's given me constructive feedback previously -- has been sweet, kind and respectful about it. Unfortunately, not all authors have had such a good readership; for that, I know I'm blessed. Thank you for continuing to inspire me to put my best foot forward.

So with this out of the way, I hope you all enjoy the book. 

Don't forget to leave a vote on your favorite chapters, leave a comment or just add it to your library or reading lists. 

Until next time, thanks lovelies.

-- ImaginationLane 

[Created on January 6, 2019]

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