Bethany Mota and fighting. (?)

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And if your still breathing, your the lucky ones.

cause most of us are heaving through erupted lunges.

Setting fire to our insides for fun, collecting names of the lovers that went wrong.

- Youth by daughter. Somebody knocked on my door. "Come in," I mumbled. Kian opened the door with a smile on his face.

"What are you smiling about?" I asked finding it hard not to smile myself.

"We got the house!" He said happily. "That's great!" I told him smiling. The boys had put in offer in on a house around 5 minutes away from where we currently were. I didn't care much, but I was excited a bit. We talked for a minute before he left the room.


I had a 2 weeks until we moved in and Connor made his announcement that he was leaving our2ndlife open to public. I. didn't know what to do with myself. This might sound mad but thank god that school kept me busy because I would have not known what to do with myself without it.

I spent an hour studying, and when I pretty much finished my phone started vibrating.


"Angelia! It's Andrea!" Andrea was my brother's girlfriend. She was like a mother to me.

"Oh hey!" I said starting to gather my papers up while resting my phone in between my cheek and shoulder.

"Would you want to go shopping with me tonight?" Andrea said. I took my phone from my shoulder and held it against my ear.

"Sure! When and where?" when we sorted the details out, we said our see you laters and hanged up.

You might think its weird that me and Andrea went out and did things together without anyone else but it was normal for us. Our2ndlife was a very busy group and couldn't always have me with them 24/7 so Kian relied on Andrea for stuff like that. Andrea of course didnt mind. Her and Kian were like two peas in a pod, and a lot like the two parents embarrassing there child in public (me being the embarrassed child). Singing, dancing, even talking in British accents just to embarrass me. I acted like it bothered me but of course it never did.

30 minutes latee me and Andrea were now in Aeropostale, l looking at the Bethany Mota stand.

"So how's Kian these days?" Andrea said. I chuckled a bit.

"You probably spend more time with him then I do and I live with him, so why are you asking me?" I said jokingly with a laugh. She knew very well how Kian was, she was probably just making small talk. But when I looked at her I realized she was serious. She was examining a necklace to do something with her hands and was looking down at it saddly. She swallowed.

"I really actually don't know," She said looking up from the necklace and looking dead into my eyes. She went back the the necklaces.

"Andrea, whats going on?" I asked her. She didnt lift her gaze from the stand. I could tell she was trying very hard not to cry.

"Me and Kian," she began. She took a deep breath.

"Well we haven't exactly been getting along lately." She had genuine hurt in her eyes.

"You guys have had your rough times, and your probably just going through another phase. You guys will pull through, you always have," I told her. She finally put her attention fully on me.

"Its not like that. Not this time," she said sadly. "When I say fights, I mean raging, firey, nightmarish fights. Yelling and screaming until your sides hurt and remarks that would scar a child. Awful, terrible fights. The kind that end relationships for good,"

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