Meeting Raimon

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Tenma's POV
I was running because I was already late for practice when I arrive at Raining school there is a bus the I run to the field and I see everyone standing ''Gomenosai everyone I was late"I said"Don't worry your  right in time we are going to a province today and all of you are pack up"Kandoku said"HAI"we all  said the we go to the bus that we are all riding the kadoku spoke"OK guys we are going to meet my family at the province and play soccer then beat the Fifth sector" and we answer"HAI!"

We woke up from sleep when we woke up we see a 10 girls riding Horses then we stop when we All go out the bus we see the girls and the horses waiting
We see the Raining Bus we ride our horses and they run fast then they all go out the bus "Touchan {Father} Nani  are you doing here?"I asked and he answer"For training, Where is Natsu?" I answer " Kassan is at the house go there we will tour the raimon at the whole village OK" he nodded and I say"We are only ten so we are going to ride two person at our horses so pick your partner"The little one is supper not sure so I reach my hand to his and I was glad he accept it and the guy with navy blue hair I asked him and he agreed
Tsurugi's POV
Kandokou's Daughter ask me and I agreed and we ride  the horse I was shocked when we go to a waterfall it was beautiful
When we arrive at their house and I was shocked at the house their house is big and terms and shinskue's eyes are shining bright like they win the championship of soccer 'What did Kandoku say we will have a training?'I began to space out  and not speak "HEY  Everyone! Tomorrow you will fight against Hakuden so win the practice match to them !" He say with a thumb's up we all smile and Y/N is smirking with a space out form
'Touchan say we will have practice match of raimon wow great we will fight them the greatest team ever' I was spacing out while Smirking and I felt someone is starting at me

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