Day 21 - Take Action

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It was the next morning after I had introduced Namjoon to my parents, and I was waking up the next morning to no one by my side. Which was confusing to me because Namjoon said he would be back at my house after he went home and grabbed some clothes.

I was worried. My heart began to pound in my ears as I thought of the worst possibilities that could have happened to him when he returned home.

'If he isn't at school I'll call the police, I'm not going to take the chance,' I thought to myself, 'he would at least message me if he wasn't coming back.'

I quickly got up and changed into my school uniform before running downstairs with my back pack on my shoulder before standing in front of my parents with flushed cheeks.

"Mum, Dad." I said to get their attention. Immediately they looked up to me and held faces full of concern as they walked over toward me.

"(Y/N)? Is there something wrong?" My mum asked, my father gently placing a hand to my shoulder and waited for me to speak. My mouth became dry as I attempted to conjure up the words that I needed to. But I realised that I needed to tell them about Namjoon if I were to be able to help him out.

"It's Namjoon. I think he is in trouble." I began to say before I went into depth on Namjoon's situation and watched as my parents eyes began to glisten with sympathy for the boy who was missing.

"What should we do?" My father asked as he too was becoming very worried about the boy that I loved so dearly. The boy who has touched my heart so many times without realising it. The boy who I would be nothing without.

"If he isn't at school I know who I can ask to tell me his address. I'll call the police and get them to go there to see if everything is fine or not. I know it sounds stupid and even I think that I could be going overboard," I paused before meeting my mothers gaze, "but I really love him Mum."

My mother sighed before nodding and looking to my father before glancing back to me.

"If he isn't at school send me a text message and I will call the school to get you out of school so you can go to Namjoon to make sure everything is fine." She explained.

My father nodded before turning me to face him as he gently embraced me, "keep us in touch with what is happening."

I nodded as I returned my father's hug before pulling away and quickly walking out of the house as I began to run down my street.

In those moments that I was alone, my mind kept on racing at the thought that he could be at school right now. He could be standing there at the front gate and waiting for me with that silly smile that he always wore on his face. He always showed me how much he cared, despite how much I tended to look past it.

Only by opening not only my eyes but my heart did I realise that there was so many more things that Namjoon had to offer as a emotional human being. He had so much love to give, but needed the chance to be able to share it with the people he cared about most.

That was the one thing that I wanted to give him. Someone that he could turn to and cry against. Someone that he could embrace when he felt lonely and someone that he could love if he felt sad. I wanted to be everything for him.

As I arrived at school I was a panting mess as I walked through the gates and desperately looked around the school grounds for even a small sign that Namjoon had arrived.

"(Y/N)! What are you looking for?" Jungkook shouted to me as he jogged over to my side. As soon as I heard his voice I felt my heart begin to collapse in my chest. It meant that Jungkook hadn't seen Namjoon either. I turned to face Jungkook before shaking my head to him.

"Something has happened to Namjoon and I need to help him. There isn't much that I can tell you right now but there is one person that you could help me find before school starts." As I spoke to Jungkook, I pulled out my phone and texted my mother to tell her that he wasn't at school. It was up to her to hold her side of the plan now.

"You probably aren't going to like who it is though."


As I stepped around the corner of the first block, I located the person who I was looking for. I did not want to talk to them for the rest of my life but they were the only one who knew where Namjoon lives.

"Min Yoongi," Jungkook spat out the name as if it left a disgusting taste on his tongue, "surely not."

"He is the only one who can help me. You stay here ok? I'll be back in two minutes." I told Jungkook as I approached the boy who was sitting at a bench alone. Which confused me because usually he had his friends hanging around him. He usually had two, Kim Seokjin and or Jung Hoseok.

But in all honestly, speaking to him alone is easier.

"Yoongi." I said as I approached the table. Yoongi's head immediately snapped up to meet my gaze as I stared him down. I was desperate for his help, but he was more desperate to have my forgiveness.

"(Y/N)! Look- I'm so sorry about what I did. You don't even know how much I-"

"Yoongi I don't have time for your apologies and or excuses right now," I snapped at him as I held up my palm for him to stop speaking, "right now I just need you to tell me one thing."

"Anything." Yoongi urged, standing up out of his seat.

"I need you to tell me where Namjoon lives. I know that you and him used to be childhood friends. Surprisingly, both of you drifted apart. But I know you know where he lives so I need you to tell me so I can help him." I tried to reason with him without going into too much detail.

"Has he had another run in with his parents?" Yoongi asked with eyes full of worry as he scanned my expression.

"I don't know ok!? That's why I need the address so I can call the police and get him the help that he needs! Tell me Min Yoongi. Tell me right now." I ended up pleading with Yoongi as I grew more desperate for the address that I required.

"(Y/N), they are so dangerous. You have to promise me you aren't going to go near-"

I grabbed onto his collar and pushed him into the brick wall where I pinned him against the wall and looked him straight in the eyes as my own began to ignite with the flames of anger and annoyance.

"I don't care about how much danger I could be in when I know there is existing danger that Namjoon is living in. So tell me the fucking address and help an old friend."

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