Chapter 1

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Hey! my name's Olivia. I'm 16, 5'8, I have long wavy hair, 4 brothers that do nothing but piss me off! and a best friend named mya.

Let's get on with my life, I woke up feeling extra crapy today! not because I'm sick but because I have to go to school (a.k.a HELL) but I rolled out of bed anyway, I went to walk and slipped backwards hitting my head on the floor in the process! great at least I'll have an excuse now not to go to school.

Seconds later my door whipped open to reveal my insane brothers. " what the hell happened!!" Tyler screamed while holding a ever so threatening spatula in his hand. I wanted to laugh as I looked at the rest of them, xavion with a golf club, marten with a lamp, and Ricky with a pillow.

I burst in to laughter while they stand there pissed. "you ass we thought you were in trouble" Ricky said while throwing his pillow at me."oh and a pillow was gunna save me if I was?" he smirked, "of corse it was cupcake" he said helping me up. I stood and kicked them out of my room to take a shower.

Walking I to the shower I felt the hot water pour down my body. I always thought the shower was relaxing, I loved it. I got out and wrapped the towel around me. I looked on the mirror to examine myself. I lifted the towel to see the side of my waist from where Brandon grabbed it. sure enough the bruise was still purple and red.

I didn't know what I've ever done to him to make him hate me so much! that dick! like who the FVCK hits a girl? that retarded ugly duck that's who! ok well he's not ugly but whatever.

I quickly dryer myself, dressed and went down stairs. not to my surprise my brothers were being the usual, throwing food, spilling whatever, and tackling each other over something stupid. I decided to skip breakfast and head to school early. "bye losers!" I yelled in the house then left.

I quickly jogged to my car because it was pelting rain. I got in and drove to school. on the way I heard my phone beep. I rummaged threw my purse to find my phone, when I found it I decided to wait till I got to school to read the text.

I arrived at school and parked my car in its usual place. I unlocked my phone and found I had a text from mya? it read she wasn't coming to school today. weird? she never misses school. I pushed the thought out of my mind and begain walking towards the school.

As I neared the entering I spotted Brandon and his "group". I tried to quickly walk past them hoping not to be noticed, unfortunately my luck is the worst. "hey Olivia". I didn't even need to turn around to know it was him. " what would you like brandon" I said threw clenched teeth." now does there always need to be something I want to talk to you?" I whipped around to face him. "there always is!" I said sharply. judging by his change of expression he didn't like my response. "why would I ever want anything to do with you!?" he hissed while looking me up and down, he then turned from me to continue on his conversation with his friends. I took that as a chance to leave.

I walked to my locker ready be greeted by mya, then I remembered she's not here. I frowned to my self while getting my things from my locker. I shut it and was about to leave when I smashed into a hard wall! fuck that hurt! I looked up to see a smiling Alex. "thanks for the oh so pleasant greeting" I said sarcastically. he chuckled "anytime" he said smirking. I stepped away and gave him a confused look. "what? why are you looking at me like that?" he said curiously. " why are you here? I need to get to class so beat me up later k? ok"

I tried walking past him but, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. "don't say that! I would never hurt you Olivia" he said sincerely. " yea whatever" I yanked my wrist back and made my way to class.

I sat in the front row awaiting everyone to come. I started to play with my nails, I guess I zoned everything out cuz I heard the bell ring and looked up to see everyone here waiting for our teacher to arrive. once he came he explained our work then settled in his desk. I finished early and started to drift into deep thought. {Why did Alex talk to me today? he's part of Brandon's group. he was being....nice? surly it was just a trap or something.} I was awaken from my daydream from the bell. I quickly gathered my things and left the class room.

I finished the next periods with ease. I was walking down the hall way to the cafeteria when I was pushed into a locker! I automatically knew it was brandon. "sup bitch" he said cooly like he didn't just push me into a damn locker! I looked to my left seeing it being blocked, then to my right to see the same thing. GREAT! I'm cornered.

" What could you possibly want" I said irritated. " ohhhhhh feisty are we now?" he chuckled walking closer to the point he was only a foot away. " I didn't really want anything much, just thought I haven't tortured you in a long time" he said shrugging. I scoffed " yea 24 hours oh gosh u must be dying" I said dryly. some of his friend started chuckling, I smirked in victory. he growled and pinned my hand above my head roughly pushing me against the locker. " bitch shut up before I make you!" he yelled tightening his grip on my wrist. I let out a yelp. "stop! it hurts!" I cried. he gave them one last squeeze.

"Come on boys let's do something worth wasting time on" he called to his minions. they left me standing there in pain. I decided to just keep going so I continued my interfered journey to the cafeteria.

Soon enough school was out. I hurried out of my last class grabbed my stuff and speed to my car! I got there just I. Time to see the "group" coming out. Me and Alex made eye contact for a second before I turned away and got in my car.

I blasted my stereo to the song " all about that bass" for my new found obsession to the song. " yea it's pretty clear, I ain't no size 2! but I can shake it shake it like I'm suppose to do! cuz I got that boom boom that all the boys chase, and a the right junk in all the right places!" I sang at max while very off key.

I arrived home and headed straight up stairs knowing nobody was home cuz my mom was at work and my brothers are... somewhere? I spent the next four hours finishing my homework. I was on the last question when I heard a knock at my door. "come in!!" I screamed. "gosh shut up!" I turned to see xavion. "what is it?" I asked. "dinners ready", "k, thanks" I said while he shut my door.

I quickly finished off my last question and headed down stairs. I didn't even reach the last step before I heard my mom yelling. "BOYS YOU BETTER STOP YOUR DAMN FIGHTING RIGHT NOW!" I got to the table to see marten and Tyler fighting on the table. But as soon as they heard mom they we both seated in a matter of seconds. "good now take a seat Olivia" she demanded. I did as I was told and we all ate our dinner full of laughter and insults and fighting. the normal.

Once we were finished I helped mom clean up then headed upstairs. I changed into my pj's, put my homework back in my bag and went to sleep tired from yet another eventful day.


Did you like my first chapter? sorry it took so long,

Well I'll update soon, I'm not making a schedule because I know for sure that I won't maintain it so that's that! byeee

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