Ch 20. The one with the Brother.

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"Ugh my head hurts." Lisa groans adjusting her sunglasses on her face.

"That's your brain trying to comprehend its own stupidity." Jisoo says distractedly looking at the menu.

The two of them were sitting at a breakfast diner waiting for Chaeyoung and Jennie to return from the bathroom with Eden. Lisa was hoping some good breakfast food would cure her hangover while Jennie craved pancakes. So it all worked out.

"Whatever. My mom says any decision I make is okay because I love myself." Lisa grins proudly.

"Your mom is wrong."

"Hi ladies, have we figured out what we're ordering yet?" The waiter interrupts.

"Shit I haven't even looked," Lisa sighs grabbing a menu.

"I'll be back in a few." He leaves.

"Ouu  hot cakes are only 5.99." Lisa says excitedly.

"You're looking at the kids menu." Jisoo bursts her bubble.

"Aw come on," Lisa whines. "Only 12 and under? What is this bull—"

Jennie, Chaeyoung and Eden suddenly appear.

"Shizzz." She finishes with a nervous smile.

"What's Bull shiz?" Chaeyoung laughs taking a seat next to her.

"Lisa can't order off the kids menu." Jisoo says.

"I'm too young to die and too old to order off the kids menu, what a stupid age I am!" Lisa huffs angrily.

"I'm sure we can cheat the system. Just order two things off the kids menu and say they're both for Eden." Jennie shrugs.

"Out Of curiosity why are you hungover?" Jisoo asks.

"What's hungover?" Eden asks innocently.

"Way to go." Jennie whispers giving her a nudge.

"Uhmm a hangover is..." Jisoo struggles to explain.

"It's something you get when you're older after you make a mistake. You'll say you're never going to make that mistake again but then you do and you wake up with a hangover as punishment." Lisa explains.

"Aunt Lisa is sick, don't listen to her." Chaeyoung tells Eden. "And to answer your question Unnie, we were celebrating last night."

"Apparently it was an anniversary of ours of some sort." Lisa rolls her eyes behind her glasses. Good thing Chaeyoung didn't see or else she'd surely get punched.

"It wasn't an anniversary of some sort." Chaeyoung glares. "You proposed to me 7 years ago yesterday."

"I didn't realize that would be considered an anniversary." Lisa says.

"Whatever. She got drunk." Chaeyoung points at her disapprovingly.

"We never did hear how you two got engaged. Why is that?" Jennie asks.

"Because it's embarrassing." Lisa groans.

"Completely spontaneous and not romantic." Chaeyoung agrees.


It's been a few months since Lisa had invited Chaeyoung to move in with her. So far it was going amazing for the happy young couple. Chaeyoung was sitting at the counter eating breakfast as she distractedly read her book.

She couldn't look any more beautiful. She looked natural and relaxed just after waking up.


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