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I pulled into an empty parking space at Tim Horton's. There was a gorgeous, white Mercedes Benz next to me. "Holy shit, Cadynn, do you see that Benz?!"

"Oh my god!" Cadynn exclaimed. "I wonder what hot guy we're going to meet here that's driving that. Whoever he is, I want his number." We looked at each other and started laughing.

We hopped out of my car and we're admiring the sick Mercedes. From a distance of course, we didn't want to ruin the car by breathing on it. Cadynn, of course, was taking pictures to send to Austin, her boyfriend.

"Okay, Cady, enough, let's go get our muffins and coffee, well, Mountain Dew for you, fag." and just as I turned around to go in the door, I ran into the most stunning guy I've ever seen. His shades dropped to the ground and along went his cappuccino.

"Shit, sorry," he said. His voice wasn't too deep, but it wasn't high pitched. It was literally perfect. "My bad, beautiful."

I smiled a little. "It's perfectly fine," I said, bending down to pick up his glasses. "I think you dropped these." I handed them to him.

He took them. "Thank you, now, since I'm a dumb ass, I have to go buy another cappuccino." He walked to the door and held it open, waiting for Cadynn and I to walk in. She shoved me a tad, forcing me to start walking. "After you, Madam," he smirked at me with his brilliant white teeth.

"Hey, I uh, I never got your name, what is it?" he asked as we all jumped in line. "I'm Scott by the way."

"Alex, well, Alexandria." Scott put his hand out and I placed mine against his, shaking his hand. "And this is my friend, Cadynn." Cadynn being the idiot she is, leaving Scott all to me, just smiled and waved to him.

"Well, Alexandria, what're you purchasing today?" His head nodded towards Cadynn, too. "And you too dear."

This really attractive guy called me beautiful a few minutes ago and then called Cadynn dear. After mentally fan girling, I told Scott, "for me, a large coffee with 2 cream and 3 sugars along with a chocolate chip muffin." Cadynn just glared at me, I sighed. "And for her, a large Mountain Dew and a chocolate chip muffin."

"Alright, you got it." Scott was now up to order and he ordered his cappuccino and then added mine and Cady's order to his.

"Scott! You really don't have to!"

"For a pair of gorgeous ladies like you, yes I do, especially after running into you." he turned to the lady at the counter, "Do you have a pen and a napkin I can use for a moment?" Cadynn and I just stared at each other as he wrote on the napkin. "Here." Scott handed me the folded up napkin along with my coffee and muffin. Then he gave Cadynn her order.

"You really didn't have to, but thank you, I appreciate it, WE appreciate it."

"No problem, just make sure you give that napkin a look sometime soon." he winked at me as we walked out the door.

"Will do." I smiled. Cadynn and I got in my car and moments after noticed Scott getting into the Benz. "Cadynn! Oh-"


"God-" I said whipping out the napkin. Reading it aloud, " ' Here's my number beautiful, text me sometime ' "

Cadynn pratically screamed, "Did you just get Benz Boy's number, Alex?!"

I just smiled and started the car.

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