Childhood Flashback

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......*flashes back to 2009*

Youngwon's (reader) POV

"HIICHANNNNNNNNNNNN" i shouted from afar away while running to Hitomi as she stops and looks behind.

"Oh! Youngwon! What is it? Why are running?" Asked Hitomi

"Nothing i just wanted to walk together to our class" as Hitomi nodded and said "hai,lets go" and we walked to class and studied for the rest of the day until it was time to go back home. As usual we'd walk together to our house because we live next to each other

After 10 minutes of walking we finally reach home and.......that was when......thats was when it happened......that was when i lost my childhood friend

"Hiichan" Hitomi's dad sighed and he called for his daughter.

"Why are you bringing out our luggage dad? Are we going somewhere?" Hitomi asked her father.

Hitomi's father looked at Hitomi and me with a sad down face and said "we're moving out hiichan,were going back to Japan your grandfather needs someone to take care of his ramen shop so i'll have be the one to take care of it" he said

"BUT!" Hitomi said with her voice cracked as her eyes tears start to fall down her chubby cheeks "what about youngwon? I dont want to leave my bestfriend!" Hitomi cries.

Her dad sigh once again and says "sorry hiichan sorry youngwon but we must go back to Japan,theres no one else who can take care of your grandfather's ramen shop".

I started to cry as well after seeing Hitomi cry,i just couldnt bare thinking of seeing my bestfriend leaving me here all alone. I dont have any other friends beside Hitomi shes my only friend

"Alright *sighs* its almost time Hiichan lets go to the airport" her dad says and her mothed hugs her and comfort her saying its ok and she can keep in contact with by sending letters to each other

*finishes flash back*
And it was since then.....i had no one....just alone....cold lonely boy.....i became an anti social.....

Not until i entered high school and met this short girl name Yabuki Nako
She's cute,short and quite rather a fierce girl or what the otakus would say "Tsundere"

We became close ever since we met and today is our first day of 2nd last year in school and today also happens to be the same exact date the day Hitomi left Korea i only happened to remember because i saw pic of me and her that i still keep in my old diary

To be honest i still miss Hitomi and i wish that i could meet her but....we never kept in contact after she left....only letters for a couple months and that was it.

Of course i tried to use the power of internet trying to find her on social medias like facebook,twitter,instagram and such yet still cant find her. But up to today i still havent stop finding her i just miss my old friend.......or am i?

"JANG YOUNGWON!" Nako yelled at me as i stopped having flash backs and inner thoughts

"Oh...what?" I asked. "We're already here" Nako said "oh...ok" as we get out of the car.Me and Nako usually walk together to school but since her father is free today he decided to send us.

"Have fun! Call me if you need anything ok?" Nako's father said "you dont need to worry anymore dad,we're no longer kids" Nako said and both of us walked into school

"So?" Nako asked "so? What?" I said

"Why were you so quiet in the car? You didnt even respond when i called you until i yelled,are you ok?" She asked

"Oh yeah im ok im ok...just thinking about the past" i said

"What is it you're thinking of? A problem?"

"Oh no no not a problem..
Just had thought of my old childfriend thats all" i said

"Oh....why? Did something happen to her?"

"Nothing,today is the day she left Korea i just remembered that and had a thought of her thats all"

"Oh...." Nako pauses "is she....pretty?"

Weirded by her question i answered "uh...shes cute i guess but why do you ask Nako?"

"Just how is your childhood friend?"

"Oh no we.... we lost contact 10 years ago and never talked to each other since so....yeah idk what happened to her" i claimed

"I see...." she said as the bell rings

"Lets go to our classrom before the teacher scolds us" me and Nako are in the same class

As we got into the class we sit in our place, i sit beside the window (yeah like those typical anime characters haha) and Nako sits beside my table

As the teacher got in the class theres a student who follows behind him
Its....its a girl everyone woos as they see the new student come in

"Good Morning students,today we have a new student at our ok Hitomi please introduce yourself"

"HITOMI?" I thought to myself "DID I HEARD WRONG?no no calm yourself Youngwon i mustve heard wrong"

The new student steps front and introduce herself "good morning everyone my name is Honda Hitomi,i just moved here from Japan,nice to meet you everyone please take care of me"

"WHAT!" I shouted as i stood up looking at her


My Childhood Friend Is My Girlfriend? (Honda Hitomi)Where stories live. Discover now