Prologue #2

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"Y/N! Get your worthless ass down here and clean the kitchen!" Taiyang yelled to his son.

"And make sure Ember Celica is polished!" Yang followed up.

"C-coming!" Y/N yelled back, running to the kitchen

This was his life. There was no light in the dark, no hope in the knight. The only people who didn't hate him was his little sister Ruby, and his uncle who never new what was going on. Raven, Summer, Tai, and Yang absolutely hated him. They treated him as free labor. Nothing else.

...or at least they did. Tonight is the night of escape.


Y/n looked down as Ruby, the only person who cared. She had caught him as he was about to bolt out the door.

"Listen to me Ruby, I have to go. It's not good here. Not safe for me" Y/n said, trying to justify himself.

"I-I know...will we ever see each other again? Ill miss you..." Ruby replied, scared of losing Y/n forever.

Y/n gave a small smile and lightly rubbed Ruby's head.

"How about this Little red, I'm going to beacon when i'm old enough. To be a Huntsmen. When your old enough, send a message to beacon for me and we'll meet up, Ok?" Y/n said, trying to reassure Ruby they would see each other again.

"Th-then ill become a Huntsmen as well! We'll see each other everyday then!" Ruby replied hopefully.

"Sure little red, sure. I gotta go now. Remember, we'll see each other again." Y/n said, giving Ruby a hug and running off, into the dark.


Howling could be heard being a panting Y/n. The sign that a pack of Beowolf's had picked up his scent.

'Crap, this is not how this was suppose to go. LOW GRIMM POPULATION MY-' Y/n's internal rant was cut short has a pair of claws cut into his side, completely ripping his right arm off.

"GAH!" Y/n cried out, falling into the quickly reddening snow. Flipping over, he saw the bone mask of an Alpha Beowolf. The pack gathering behind it.

'Sorry Ruby...looks like we won't be seeing each other again.' Y/n thought, his eyes closing as his conscious faded.

Other POV

Minutes earlier

"So, why are we out here again big brother?" A small girl with Red hair and blueish green eyes ask what looked like a older, male version of her.

"Well you see Rias, the Grimm populations have been springing up in this location, I'm here to destroy whatever packs we come across, You're here to watch and learn." Sirzechs said, looking to his younger sister.

Rias was about to respond until-

"GAH!" A sudden cry from the South draws both their attention. Sirzechs takes off running towards the cry, with Rias right after him.

A few moments later they come across a young boy lying face up in a quickly reddening snow, an Alpha Beowolf standing above him, It's pack quickly gathering behind it.

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