Untitled Part 1

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And it was a scream. A scream like no other. It was a painful, wet, angry scream. She hit the steering wheel with her hands in a steady beat until she felt her palms were sufficiently bruised. 

Thoughts were racing through her head. How could something this permanent happen? One thing she learned in all her years of living was that nothing was ever permanent. Tattoos fade, people die, relationships end.

The only thing that was permanent, for her, anyway, was the curse. It could never be broken. Not even wavered. And at this moment, all she wanted to do was jump off a bridge with the end result being death and not a particularly tedious swim to the bank of a river. He may have been the most annoying person she ever met, but he did one thing that no one else ever thought to do. He tried, and that was good enough for her. 

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