Chapter 2

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POV Kate

Parking my car was a lot easier than I anticipated, finding a spot right in front of the coffee shop was unbelievable. I get out and as soon as I do a guy stands up in the one of the tables outside, approaching him with slow steps, he just gives me a huge smile as he patiently waits for me to come closer. I take the opportunity to admire the man in front of me, tall maybe 6"2 at the very least, lean defined body, you can definitely see the outline of his muscles through his black shirt, brown hair and eyes, defined jaw line and a very joyful and easy going posture. He is most definitely a heart breaker. 
-Hi! How are you? - he asks and signals me to sit next to him. 
- Hello. I'm ok, you? - I ask with a small voice, he smirks. Why am I so nervous? No f*ing idea..
- Ok so I asked you to meet me cause I needed to see if you existed since you didn't even identify yourself in our texts. -  he says laughing. - I'm Jay by the way. 
- I'm sorry. I'm not usually like this, but I haven't dance ever in my life, and being so nervous made be completely forget how to have manners. - I face palm myself, which makes him go to a full blow fit of laughter, making me laugh with him. - I'm Kate by the way. - a shy smile makes way to my face. 
- Kate, we can put you in a class with everyone else or you can practice with me and try for out crew. Our leader needs someone to dance with him and I think you would be perfect. - I look at him with a confused look.
- You have never seen me dance.. What if I'm a disaster? 
- We will practice more. - I give him a doubtful look - Look I understand that you may feel like you can do it, but dance is something anyone can learn if they have the will to do the work. I can throw anyone with him to dance, but dancing with someone as your partner is deeper than that. 
- And you can't find someone willing to do that with him? - this time he hesitates to talk.. I patiently wait as he decides if he answers or not..
- You see.. Dee is.. Dee is complicated, they may stay in the beginning cause he is hot and all but with his attitude they end up leaving. And I can see that in that you have a back bone when you feel comfortable, so I feel that you may stay.. 
- How do you know I have a "back bone"??
-Well let's see.. "what in the world is Jungle Green?" when most woman would answer it's a shade of green or something along those lines, you where more like "fuck you .. Look it up dumb ass" - and he laughs again. I like him, but can I do this? His pleading eyes where killing me, and giving me the little push I needed. 
- I will do it. - Jay throws his arms in the air celebrating - BUT .. - I stop him, making him go serious. - If in a month I feel like I can't do this.. I will walk out. No questions asked! Promise? 
Jay's smile is the sweetest thing ever - No questions asked I promises as long you don't stop being friends with me.. - he is serious now so I know he isn't joking.
- How do you know we will be friends?
- I feel connected to you already like we were best friends for a long time.. I feel like I can trust you.. That's why I know we will be cool.
- Glad I'm not crazy. Cause I was definitely feeling the same! - With that he hug like we haven't seen each other for like forever. Totally laughing in my head, I lost my mind no doubt. Jay's phone rings, bringing us apart from our so comfy hug. 
-Yah.. No.. I'm in Studio 24, why? .... - I just sit there looking at him - Ok see you in a few.. love u bro. - he hangs up. Looks at me. - Dee is coming do you wanna stay and get to know him, or are you leaving? 
- Well... What do I have to lose? - With that I get the most amazing and adorable smile, this guy will be the death of me! 
As we sit there waiting for Dee to come, we talk about everything and nothing, just random subjects that come to our minds, sharing childhood moments and all, before we noticed an hour had passed and Dee was still nowhere to be seen. 
- I'm going to call him.. - Jay lets me know, to which I just nod. 
With his phone in his right ear, head tilted to the side to hold it in place, he looked so young and care free. - Finally bro. Where are you? - He says in a exasperated tone but winks at me, making me laugh. - I'm still here waiting for you.. - His face turns serious.. - Ok I will be there in 5. Keep your cool please! - with that he hangs up. Looking at me with an apologetic smile, he starts to talk but I beat him to it.
- Just go! He needs you.. - I give him a kind smile and stand up. - I need to leave anyway. 
- Are you sure? - he asks and he stands up as well.
- Yes I'm sure! Just make sure to text me when everything is sorted out, or I will be worrying about you all night. - he hugs me and I hug him back, feeling the comfyness of the moment. 
- I will, it's a promise. - He whispers into my hair. Taking a step back he smiles at me, kisses my forehead and leaves. 
Why do I feel like I'm letting my best friend go to war alone and there is nothing I can do about it? I usually don't trust people that easily, so why do I feel so comfy around him? Why do I trust him? I shrug.. I guess time will tell...

I wake up feeling really confused with the dream I just had.. Feeling something moving next to me, I look to my right and there is a guy sleeping next to me. He has dark brown hair, his lashes would make many women jealous.. Tattoos all over his left arm, beautiful artwork! I thought to myself.. Lean fit body with a bit of a tan, taking that we are in winter season, the guy must have spent his summer on a beach.. What was killing me was his sharp jaw line.. Obviously my drunk self last night though so too.
Looking around I find myself in an unknown house, probably his house. "I need to get out of here" I wisper more to myself that anyone else, there was no one else there besides Mr sleepyhead. Moving my legs to the side, I feel him moving, an arm snakes around me pulling me down.
- Where are you going? - he asks with a raspy voice.
- Home. - I say looking back at him, only to find beautiful caramel eyes looking back at me.
- Do you have something else to do?
- What do you mean?? - wtf??!!!
He moved to sit on his bed and looked at me with a frown.
- I thought you would like some breakfast, that's all.. - he looked disappointed, that made my heart hurt ..
- You want to have breakfast with me?? - he nodded - but I can't even remember your name and I thought guys picked up girls in clubs for a night thing, never thought that included breakfast?! - I was fucking confused. He looked at me with a frown at first, but then he started laughing, making me even more confused. Geez, my sleepy brain was definitely not working..
- I never picked up girls in a club, ever in my life! - he looked me dead in the eye, making it hard for me not to believe him.
- But how did I end up here then??
- Well you came to me, when I was with my friends and told me straight away that my eyes "where something from heaven and that you would let me fuck you and get lost in them anytime". - I turned red in that moment. - I usually don't care about comments like that but you where different from the others so I bought you a water, which obviously didn't do much, and we talked for about two hours, I kind of ended up kissing you and here we are. - saying I'm confused is an understatement.
- Sooo... What's for breakfast?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2019 ⏰

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