Dean and the Pizza Man

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Dean sat on the couch in the small apartment watching television. Some sort of horror movie rerun was playing and his lips quirked up into a smirk as he nursed the beer in his hand, enjoying the cheesy old graphics of the giant ant crashing through the city. Sam was out on some sort of date, or at least, that's what Dean figured the big lug was doing since he wasn't at the apartment. Cas had gotten a job since he had become human and becoming a hunter didn't seem to be panning out the way the brothers thought it might. This left Dean in the apartment. Alone.

 He sighed and sat up, reaching for the phone. "I guess I'd better get something to eat then." He muttered to himself and stood up, walking to the kitchen to look at the number for the local pizza place that was on the fridge magnet. He jabbed the numbers into the phone and then put it up to his ear. Once he heard the greeting, he paced back to the couch.

"Yeah, I'd like a meat lover's pizza. Large. Extra sausage. I guess I'll get one of those pizza's with rabbit food on them too. A small one. Vegetarian, or whatever." The person on the other side of the phone repeated his order. "Yeah, that's it. My apartment is on the corner of fifteenth and Mercury. Building 6. 14A. Great, thanks." He hung up the phone and sat on the couch again, setting his half empty beer bottle on the couch side table and relaxing as he continued watching the black and white movie.

* * * *

Roughly twenty minutes later, Dean was startled awake by a loud knock at the door. He hadn't even realized he'd fallen asleep. He got up and headed towards the door, another knock sounding. "Hold on, I'm coming. Christ." Impatient delivery boy. Dean reached the door and unlocked the dead bolt, his left hand reflexively moving to his belt, but the knife had been left on the kitchen table earlier. "Son of a bitch..." He whispered, but pulled the door open and braced for whatever may be on the other side of the door.

However, nothing could have prepared him for what he saw. Castiel stood before the door wearing the pizza parlor's uniform, complete with billed hat and polo shirt. Dean's jaw hung open a bit. "Cas?" The once angel looked up at Dean. "Did somebody order  pizza...with extra sausage?" Dean's mouth promptly shut and his eyebrow twitched slightly. He flexed one of his hands into a fist, but the look on Cas' face brought a smile to the hunter's face and he chuckled.

Castiel seemed slightly confused, but pulled a large box of pizza and a smaller one out of his carry case, then pulled a pen from his pocket. "I don't see what's so funny, Dean, but if you would please sign for these pizzas. I still have others to deliver." This brought Dean into an almost riotous laughter. "Cas, man, what do you expect when you use a line from a porno and then look like a kicked puppy? Shit, man. I didn't even know you worked for the pizza place? What happened to the job at the grocery store?"

Cas' gaze descended to the ground, where he stared at his own feet and sighed softly. "I was scaring the customers away because I don't smile enough, apparently." Dean chuckled and clapped Cas on the shoulder, nearly making the shorter male drop the boxes. "You just need to learn to lighten up a little. Man, that was a good laugh." Dean grinned at Castiel and then took the pen, signing the receipt for his pizzas and then took the boxes. "I'll save some pizza for when you get home, buddy."

Cas looked at Dean, a peculiar look on his face, then he nodded and tried for a smile that looked more like he was being tortured. Dean laughed and shook his head. "Don't hurt yourself, Cas, damn. Get back to work." Cas gave Dean a confused look, then he gave a genuine smile. Though it was a faint smile and looked as if it weren't there, the hunter noticed and gave a smile of his own in return. "Thanks, Dean." Cas put the pen back in his pocket and put the receipt in the carrying case.

Dean nodded. "Just come home tonight. I hate being in this apartment alone, and I doubt Sam will be back until morning...or until I call for him." Cas chuckled softly and gave a shy smile again. "Alright Dean. See you later." With that, Cas was on his way again. Dean stood in the doorway, watching his angel walk away before stepping back into the apartment and closing the door. He locked the dead bolt again and took the pizzas into the kitchen. He placed the small box in the fridge on the bottom shelf and then grabbed his box and walked to the couch, sitting down again and opening the box. Inside the box was the pizza, but on the underside of the lid was some sort of note written (poorly) in marinara sauce.

I know it's cheesy, Dean. I thought you might find it funny though. From the good old days. -Cas

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2014 ⏰

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